My first mix here (podxt, AD)


New Metal Member
Oct 24, 2008
Until now i've been here just learning and this site has so much useful info. Here's a demo for my band, no vocals but I'd like to get some feedback 'bout the mix. Especially i'd appreciated some tips for bass and drums, i'm not that familiar with them. I'm doing a lot of other music stuff at home so i'm trying to develope my tweaking skills.. so this demo is now my learning piece :)

Gear used: drums AD, bass is some LTD (not mine) DI+podxt(bass extension) blended, guitars schecter c-1+podxt+impulses. Synths are made by my friend, no idea about the setup.
Ask for more detailed info..
I disagree, just make your velocity more consistent. Snare sounds great at 2:30ish. Guitars are quite thin, I think fixing them up a bit will help the mix a lot.

edit: sorry disregard my comment about the guitars for now, I'm listening on different headphones than usual, that have very few low mids/lows, so what I'm saying may not be accurate at all.
Thanks for the ideas!
I gotta try tomorrow even out that snare velocity. I was trying to get some human feeling in that snare, maybe too much... I'm not too happy with the guitars either, but i was hoping if something with the bass could help the overall tone. also my headphones that i'm mixing with are not too high-end :D

Rupturemetal: Actually the decay is already at the minimum, but i haven't really paid any attention to the volume envelope so it was really good to me to realize what effect it has. Will tweak it in the future a lot more.

But thanks again.. something for me to work with at christmas!
Snare is way too loud IMO.
I'd say the drums in general need more atmosphere. A darker snare, some parallel compression on everything, and then a bunch of layers of nice dark reverb mixed in conservatively to really build the atmosphere with the drum parts.
Everything else seems to have been mixed with atmosphere in mind, and the drums just sound very... I dunno. Very average joe.
Consider sample replacing that kick too. AD kicks are none too meaty, and the snares usually need a lot of work to really sound good.

Edit: AWESOME material by the way dude. Fucking awesome stuff.
I think everything is solid...just need to get those drums into the same space as everything else man. Sounds like two totally different environments going on and it's a little distracting. The guitars, bass, etc. have this nice mood to them, and the drums are like listening Queens Of The Stoneage, very dry and direct. Make verb a little more wet for the drums, AD has some great verbs.

dodo&006: thanks! I did some testing with verbs and well, now it seems so obvious that those drums need more ambience. That tom groove part sounds now really dry (as I know what is it lacking :D) when i listen to it. Anyway I added some room verb to master bus and results were instantly better, but it affects quite a lot to the snare, especially when hitted hard. It makes the tone more mid-ish or round. I like the sound of the snare as it is, though it should have more verb in it. So any opinions what is the right way to go.. should I tweak snare's eq or verb's eq?

Well, gotta try something and everything maybe. I just don't want to lose the snare tone on those quieter parts.

Thanks for the input! I really appreciate every opinion..
After tweaking the drums and getting frustrated with reverb i put togehter a little a/b test. First comes original and then the latest mix. Basically i've added some reverb to the drums. I think it's better now.

eternally_gutted: I searched an hour for those pod presets and did find two.. My workflow is bit of a mess and because CPU limitations i have to bounce guitar tracks etc. every now and then. Well, after being satisfied with the tone i've deleted (a big mistake, if i think it now..) those DI tracks with pod and impulse presets. Anyway i did find a couple of them from an earlier mix. Both are panned 80L-80R, some EQ and impulses (englv30cab left and mesa oversized right). So these presets will give some direction.. Those heavier guitar parts are quad tracked (panned 100L-100R other tracks), but i couldn't find nothing but the bounced tracks.

Tell me if the links won't work, i'm new to the dropbox and probably did something wrong :D

Happy new year!