My first paid job : HEAVYWEIGHT DIVISION

Agree with Rich maybe a little more saturation on the vocals? All i can think of sounds great!
Only thing I know, is that I was HEADBANGIN' FUCKIN' HARD.... then the song ended.....

Fucking brewtal
Vocals are too loud IMO. The guitars could use a bit of eq carving in the high mids.

The kick could be a little less slappy, but just a bit.

Automate volume on the snare a bit in parts.

Sounding pretty awesome otherwise.
Good stuff bro. You could probably get it sounding deeper by carving the high mids on the guitars and overheads. This will let your vox sit at a lower volume, still be audible, and sound more dimensional too. Are the guitars amp sims? They have a flat, high mid centric nature that feels sim-like.

If I were to get really picky, the mix sounds a touch congested. Like you're doing a lot of GR on ITB compressors. The kick is a touch typewritery. Maybe when you drop the high mids on the guitars and OHs, you won't need that much clack from it to cut through anymore.

You got the vibe right though, so props for that. It's 90% of the job. If you just sort the high mids, there's your mx.
Ermz, you described everything I felt I needed to fix but couldn't realize what it was. I am using a lot of GR on ITB comps unfortunately, I think this mix would kick ass if I used similar settings on good hardware comps.

The guitars are ampsims and they do sound flat, I'm afraid I can't do much against this. Since it's only one song for an EP in which they tried out different studios (they now regret they didn't pick me to do at least another one of them haha, feels good to hear that), they didn't pay extra for reamping.

Now for the final mix I'll :
- Add a touch more saturation on the vocals
- Decrease the vocals' level by a touch
- Lower compression on the overheads
- Sort out the high mids
- Automate snare and snare verb a bit, might do it for kick too
- Sort out what's the kind of background noise at the total end of the song
Considering the comps are mostly ITB, and the guitars are digital you're doing great. I'd probably have given up before getting to this point.

It seems that better circumstances alone next time will help you create a deeper mix. There's only so much you can do when you're limited by the tools and ingredients!
man, i wish lolzgreg and ermz had chimed in on my first big work :( aha.

you've done well for ITB guitars, it's a good sound, it fits really well with the music, and it doesn't sound much like anything else i've heard!

don't have many complaints, i don't think the mix is too saturated, i think it works well. but..

oh my science, the kick. typewriter/slappy/whatever, it's pretty annoying (although at least you can hear it! aha). not sure what i'd do here, other than use a different sample or something.

overall though, the mix is huge, the song is awesome. i think you've done pretty good.

The chinese sounds robotic but other than that sounds solid dude! I would like some info on the vocals processing too.
are you compressing the entire superior bus? the drum transients stab nicely but that china and the cymbals in general sound way overcompressed. also bring velocities down/humanize the MIDI on those fills, and that's all i could see changing from here. sounds siq.
Thanks a lot everyone for all the comments and criticism, I'll give you guys some info about pretty much everything when I get back home.

I gotta say Redline4 hit the nail right on the head, the china's pretty much the same all the way through, for some reason the band was complaining on how it sounded "different" all the way through due to humanizing but they were very happy with it this way, I think it's pretty much the only think I don't like about the mix.

I gotta say I love slappy kicks, but I removed some 2.4khz with a rather wide Q, and boosted a tiny bit of highs instead. Actually come to think of it I removed some 2.1 to 3.5 in pretty much everything depending on what it was (OH/room/guitars/kick/bass grit) and it's sounding much more open and bitching and now the vocals really breathe more into the mix.

And you guys won't believe this but the guitars strings were kind of old (told the guitar player to change 'em, he came back 3 minutes after and I didn't noticed they were old after we tracked a second song haha, I liked the basic tone we had anyway so I went along with it).

I really hope some of you check out the updated mix when I'm gonna put it up, this is REALLY shaping up to be my best work to date, thanks to your help of course. :)

Edit : Didn't see your answer Julian, that's good to hear, I had all the drums stemmed out though (crap 2006 computer haha) but I should have the time to work on the original MIDI and redo the OH's compression, I agree that many transients sound rather squashed. No entire drum bus compression, the more I work on songs, the less I feel it can be useful to the way I mix.
New mix is indeed better ! I like how the vocals are lower now but breathe more. Good work on the kick too. Brutal local band btw Montreal represent bitch.