My first produciton (Lasse Lammert Master)


Jul 16, 2009
Indianapolis Indiana

Finally got my first production together, it's been a long time coming. Like I'm sure most of you guys have, I went through many instances where I just wanted to give up on the whole AE thing, but now my confidence is growing a bit. Lasse mastered the track and let me tell you...that guy is a total pro and super super fucking easy to work with. Cannot recommend him enough.

This is a post metal, progressive type of thing...really it's all over the place. It's with some friends, myself and another former member of my old band Demiricous (metal blade) but it's totally different than what we did before. Anyhow, enough talk, let me know what you guys think. The song is free for download on our website, the song is twelve minutes long FYI:

Let me know what you think!
:Smokin: Good job you didn't give up on the AE.

Diggin' the tune. Great mix & master.
I dig the music and production! Good thing you didn't give up on AE because you've achieved something like this. I can't imagine how much effort would go into a song 12 minutes long. Really good work!
I had fun working on it, it was a stem mastering job plus reamping, so I had the chance to mix/automate a bit ad could also hear the seperate instruments. Chris did a great job recording/mixing those, looking forward to hearing the next songs
Yeah Lasse, I didn't know if you wanted to be associated with that crappy bass DI I sent you...haha. That's why I didn't bring up your reamp. But you definitely made the best out of what was there for sure. I'm going to be sending you all the master work for this project, the guys and I couldn't be happier with what you did!

I didn't realize you did automation on the track too! I had already done a lot of automation, but whatever you did gave it that extra bit of fire! Thanks again dude.

Thanks all around guys, this really means a lot to me as I was pretty closely involved with this track, help write it, drummed, sang (the softer voice at the begining and end) and did the some of the guitar solos. It was a ton of work because I was basically learning how to record at the same time. Having people enjoy it makes it totally worth while and motivates me to keep at it. This is my first released project since leaving Demiricous like four years ago.

I'm currently recording a symphonic power metal project that I have been working on for years that Ermz will be mixing. I'm SUPER pumped about that.

Thanks again dudes!
Would anyone have any advice for my future mixes? When I listen to this song (especially the heavy parts) I know there are things missing or not being done quite right. I would love any critical input you would be willing to share.

Really just looking for things I can improve on for future mixes. Thanks a million in advance.
Wow! I loved every minute of this. I enjoyed everything from the vocals to the electronic arrangements. I mean, it's music I would listen everyday. The mix is really clean and well balanced.

Please, keep us posted about the new material!