My first program.

there is enough of it, on the floor, wherever you go in the appartment, mom has the face expression of Boris Karloff already, wiping the floors.....
Originally posted by metalized
And wait till T. learns how to drive. I will be sleeping to MDB, she will be all :rock: and who knows where we ll end up. LOL :loco: >T

hehe, if I don't end up in a wheel chair before that, or, what if I learn how to drive, finally, and get my driver's license and all, and then, what?! will I need the driver's license for the wheel chair? :s And you could install some of the good death-metal MP3 on the wheel chair, so that I wouldn't fall asleep while driving. :D it might be extremely dangerous for the pedestrians, sleeping metal babe in a wheel chair. :grin:

Originally posted by metalized
Well first things first:
Keegan >>> I am happy to inform you that i don't have a job either and i am looking for one as well. Ah! And just to conform you a bit more, I am losing hair as well. LOL

You Me and Ledmag can start a "Bald Nevermore fans club" :lol: ha ha. It's all good dude, you'll get used to it... whatever you do, don't shave your head! Keep it, like I have! ha ha It's a devin hairdo :grin: Nah, mine's not that bad. I've just got a "Shaped Hairline" ha ha, it's only noticible when i tie it right back, which is never thesedays, i'm ashamed of my shiny forehead :lol:

Sleeping is one of my favorite parts in the My Dying Bride CDs... And when i listen to it in the sweet heat of the car, then it is even better... And wait till T. learns how to drive. I will be sleeping to MDB, she will be all :rock: and who knows where we ll end up. LOL >T

MDB *yawn* Yeah, i sleep through them too.


As for the metal thing, well, years and wisdom has made me broaden my musical horizons. Now it is not only metal as it was in my early youth, long gone and lost . Now it is MTV all day long when T. is home, watching all those divine clips of Christina Aguilera and Shakira, of black ppl, of white ppl, of EMINEM :rock: etc... Open up your eyes ppl. LOL

Metalized is coming of age... who would have thought? :eek:

Fiona Apple, Alanis Morisette, they are ALL GOOD. Fiona Apple's "Fast as you can" is better than metal, she transcends metal :grin:

Christina Aguilera is :yuk: I hate her, she is a skank... :yuk:

...And shakira is REALLY short :err: Less than five foot! :eek:

And what is called metal is not for me to define. I just perceive the things i listen to (most of them) as metal. And like all perceptions, mine is subjective as well (even though carved by wisdom of the ages). To je to. Phuuu... LOL

I call everything metal... hell, i'd call Alanis Morisette metal if someone gave me half the chance :lol:

sleeping metal babe in a wheel chair.


ha ha, that would be so cool... you wouldn't have to do anything, people would wheel you around everyone... and you could pretent you were a para, and people would feed you :lol: