My friends were hit by a drunk driver


The Dreaming Mind
Mar 14, 2004
On the way to Fort Bragg yesterday AFTERNOON: My boyfriend told me over the phone, and I thought he was going to say that they all were killed. I was so relieved when he said they are somewhat ok.

Frosty and Hunter are ok, but Javier is in the hospital. His head hit the windshield and he has internal bleeding around his liver. I'm assuming he was sitting in the middle. I'm really hoping that he pulls through and recovers asap.

The suspected drunk driver is in the hospital with more severe injuries.
You know what, not to sound like a cold-hearted bitch, but he fucking deserved it. I hope he learns his fucking lesson in the clink. So many innocent people are killed by drunk drivers, including some of our family members. God knows how many close calls I've had on the North 101 stretch.

If you or your friends drink, give your car keys to someone sober that will hide them. I know several people who get completely shitfaced and then disappear in their car, and that warrants a severe ass kicking.

The thought of "all cars contain someone's precious cargo" is something I keep in mind when I drive. We all would have been devastated if my friends died.

So ends another Neverboard preaching..
Not "preaching' - the absolute truth, Lesa.
I am so sorry about your friends... I hope Javier will be ok.
Thank goodness they are going to live and were not killed... those things are horrible...
Stupid drunk drivers.

I NEVER drink and drive.
Me neither! It's just plain stupid!

I'm going to buy Hunter a pizza and show up at his house. I think he's asleep, but the smell will probably wake him up.

I have no idea where Frosty is..he doesn't have a cell, either :(

NOTE: besides Andrew, these are the people I hang out with the most. I love them, and I'm really going to let them know...let the spoiling commence!
Good to hear that your friends are relatively well off. And that stupid POS deserves everything that's coming at him and even more.

I think driving under the influence should be treated like a reckless attempt of manslaughter when a certain alcohol limit has been crossed.
Good to hear they're all in fair condition, could've been a lot worse. People, drunk or not, operate cars in life threatening manners far too frequently. I'd rather rid the world of cars before guns heh. Yeah that's right.
I went over to Hunter's with Andrew, and he looked ok. He has a broken collarbone and stripes of bruising/cuts on his chest and hip from the seatbelt. He was hurting quite a bit, so we camped out on the couch and watched Comedy Central for hours.

Dude, his hair is covered in dried blood. I could smell it when I sat next to him, and I can still smell it on my fingers. :(. When Javier's head hit the windshield, he bled all over Hunter's hair, shoulder and shoes (?). He can't wash it out yet because moving anything hurts.

Javier is ok. They didn't have to do surgery to stop the internal bleeding, but he can't walk right now. Something is wrong with his leg, and that fucking sucks.

Frosty, the driver, is fine. He sustained no injuries.
They have zero tolerance here. The penalties for ANY alcohol in the system are pretty high and the random stops are frequent. It seems to work quite effectively.

I thought it was all a bit draconian, but to be honest if you're driving you shouldn't have anything in your system whatsoever. That's how I see it.
They have zero tolerance here. The penalties for ANY alcohol in the system are pretty high and the random stops are frequent. It seems to work quite effectively.

I thought it was all a bit draconian, but to be honest if you're driving you shouldn't have anything in your system whatsoever. That's how I see it.

Indeed, I think we're actually quite lucky that there's quite a stigma attached to drink driving here... i.e if you do it, you're a fucking idiot.

Sorry to hear about your friends Bacchante :/ At least it wasn't a lot worse.
They're all doing much better, everyone! He has a bunch of stitches on his hip now, but Javier is able to walk. :)

I haven't seen Frosty, but I heard he's fine...just without a vehicle for a looong time. His truck was totaled, and I guess they had to use the jaws of life to get everybody out.

I'm going to hang out wif Hunter tomorrow and help make him lunch and stuff. It's hard to do jack shit when you have an arm in a sling.
One funny thing: They called him a 17 year old girl on the radio, lol.
Indeed, I think we're actually quite lucky that there's quite a stigma attached to drink driving here... i.e if you do it, you're a fucking idiot.

You're also lucky to tend to have other options that don't suck as much as American public transit. In one of the largest cities in the whole damned country, going down two roads to my university (total distance: 10 miles the long way) takes an hour and a half because the routes are so mismanaged, and it's faster and more comfortable to walk backwards, uphill, through the snow, wearing only a thong.

Glad to hear they're okay... I rarely drink with others because I know someone will probably need a ride home. Well... that, and the fact that other people ruin a good drink very easily, but a good chunk of it is the whole 'being responsible' thing.

You're also lucky to tend to have other options that don't suck as much as American public transit. In one of the largest cities in the whole damned country, going down two roads to my university (total distance: 10 miles the long way) takes an hour and a half because the routes are so mismanaged, and it's faster and more comfortable to walk backwards, uphill, through the snow, wearing only a thong.

Glad to hear they're okay... I rarely drink with others because I know someone will probably need a ride home. Well... that, and the fact that other people ruin a good drink very easily, but a good chunk of it is the whole 'being responsible' thing.


Very good point. There has to be more options in the US for public transportation. Granted, that doesn't absolve anyone from personal responsibility whatsoever, but it would help.
Dallas is doing so fucking awesome with the public trans, I couldn't be more pleased with it. It was awesome before, but even more rail lines are running now and more are under construction. In a couple of years you'll be able to go everywhere on the rail, and as long as I'm a student, it's absolutely free! :kickass: