My go on the Sturgis 'sound'

really dig the guitar sound, can you share your settings on that? good mix but in my opinion the snare needs to be more heard and be a little more punchy. i cant hear so much of it ! :)
that guitar tone is really close to the original :) good job. Did you match eq the guitars?
that guitar tone is really close to the original :) good job. Did you match eq the guitars?
kinda, but it didnt work too well tbh, had to add loads of EQs ontop..
I got to give it to the amazing amp sim Lecto from LePou. its a really nice amp sim as you can hear!
I'm impressed that it sounds so close to his sound. What did you use for that kick if you don't mind me asking.
I love that guitar tone. Drums seems too electronic for me.
the one that comes with it..the same make
What do you mean?.. lecto comes with no impulses. Also, did you use EQ's before amp or screamer?
When you download lecto you get LeCab in the same pack (at least I did) which is the one I use.
Umm I'm not sure now, ill have to check ..I believe I gave the gtrs a bit more brightness but that's because my preamp is shit(before everything)
And yeah, the drums do sound a bit electronic but that's because I didn't spend time on them!