My guitars always bury my snare drum.

too much guitar gain always turns into a mess for me.

Make sure you have the band turn it as far down as you can get them too......and then while they are not looking, turn it down a little more!:)
But it doesn't. It becomes a war of "Guitars too quiet, turn them up. Now drums are too quiet... turn them up." Etc, etc. It's just back and forth, them covering each other.

I'm pretty sure it's eq and fitting them together, because like I said, they sound great separate from each other, but once they're playing at the same time it's one or the other.

one thing i've found is that some monitors or speakers have a clever way of making guitars sound too far in the back, and then you jam it in your car and its perfect.

seriously, check on some different devices first. especially when you're at the end of a track and the last thing is to level out the guitars vs the drums. set the guitars lower until the drums pop, and keep them there. export and check it out on some different speakers. you'll know what to do from there.
one thing i've found is that some monitors or speakers have a clever way of making guitars sound too far in the back, and then you jam it in your car and its perfect.

seriously, check on some different devices first. especially when you're at the end of a track and the last thing is to level out the guitars vs the drums. set the guitars lower until the drums pop, and keep them there. export and check it out on some different speakers. you'll know what to do from there.

I regularly check on my Focals, these little computer speakers I've owned for about 7 years, a set of headphones, my ipod in my car, and another set of headphones at work.


I'm putting up a new mix soon in the mixing forum because I think it sounds about 100x better now than previously.