Gotta say I love this quote ,
First and foremost, Turn your monitors down. Then turn your monitors down some more. Learn to seperate what you hear. Most of the time I’m listening to timing, editing, pitch, or something else. Not the mix. Listen for mix when you and the song are ready. Until then, listen for what needs improvement to become ready… I spend a few months getting to that ready state. Then the actual mix takes about 30 minutes. If you’re mixing for hours and hours, you’re going to get lost in all the relativity of volume and frequencies and end up with something thats leaning too much in one direction.
Be appreciative. When I start to edit something I just think about how the money I am earning has put this roof over my head and fed me earlier that day. It really comes full circle when I finish things and just feel grateful to be lucky enough to do this for a living. When you think about things in the way that none of what you have would exist without these people who you are sharing a creation with, you really gain a lot of patience and determination. The mental stability that comes from this is what makes it possible.
I love when people project a positive mental attitude. Also the mixing tips - like separation and keeping your monitors low , definitely mirror my own thoughts.