My kids music video preference

Mick Moss

Apr 12, 2002
Our Luke likes the following music videos

Black Sabbath - Sabbath Bloody Sabbath Promo
Alice Cooper - Welcome To My Nightmare on the Muppets
- Poison Uncensored (tits out)
Pink Floyd - another Brick In The Wall
Judas Priest - Breaking The Law Promo

Hes only 5 and already he knows the melodies and lyrics to these tracks. I have a rock son :erk:
At least it's Priest and Sabs and not S-Club 7. Well done, Dad!

Got ta steer him away from Poison now while you've yer chance, when he's young and impressionable. :yuk:

I was a Kiss maniac at 5, although I was more into the monsters staring out of the album cover and the blood 'n fire than the music. Come to think of it, I still am.
My sisters kids were over at the new years bash in our neighbours and made a tenner selling juice to adults for their drinks. they dont listen to music but one of em punched me in the balls for nonpayment which is quite metal
StevenK said:
when i was 5 i used to look up womens skirts and pretend i didnt know what was up there ;)

top man, i like your style, we used to do that to our art teacher when she had her back turned. the mission was to find out what colour her underwear was that day without getting caught, pink was a favourite cos it was different. thing is though we were in our early teens :tickled: