My latest mixes (6505 Pregain on 1)

Nearing completion of at least the musical side of these mixes. Had a text from the vocalist this week about getting vocals tracked so hopefully not too long now.

This is the same band I posted in the 6505/Gearbox thingy, all guitars in this are 6505 through 1960 cab.

Im pretty happy with these, got a few little bits to sort out, but how are they sounding? Any advice/comments would be really great.

Apologies for the site they are uploaded to - can't wait for the "new and improved" Kazrog FTP to return :loco:

Needles (with vocals)

Song 2 with Vocals

EDIT: BOTH songs now with vocals
Stop posting that Needle's Clip dude. You are driving me crazy trying to get a tone like that. The Marshall works extremely well with the 6505. Most of my fav 6505 tones are with 75's, excluding Devildriver. Damn my Mesa to hell. :lol:
Stop posting that Needle's Clip dude. You are driving me crazy trying to get a tone like that. The Marshall works extremely well with the 6505. All my fav 6505 tones are with 75's. Damn my Mesa to hell. :lol:

Sorry for recycling that dude! This will be the last thread for it I swear :) How is everything else? I have 3 1960's now - fancy a trade? and to pay shipping prices? :Smug:
Still loving the 6505, playing around trying to get a Devildriver-esque Fury album tone. I can't play the quad-tracks tight for the life of me, so I don't want to post a sample :heh:. Getting worse as a guitarist as the years go on, getting rusty hands. :mad:

Shipping would be cheap, it's only about a 26 hour plane flight. :lol:

All else in the mix is great too.
For the guitars I really made sure the guitarists played the guitar as hard as possible. I pretty much always recommend this to really get the best tone out of the amp. I also ran the guitars through a tubescreamer before the amp, but only as a signal boost. This was as low as I could get the gain, which helped get a lot more clarity. I also think it got more of a chugg out of the amp. Glad you guys like it!
For the guitars I really made sure the guitarists played the guitar as hard as possible. I pretty much always recommend this to really get the best tone out of the amp. I also ran the guitars through a tubescreamer before the amp, but only as a signal boost. This was as low as I could get the gain, which helped get a lot more clarity. I also think it got more of a chugg out of the amp. Glad you guys like it!

What was mic placement like? In my limited experience with 75s, it seemed like they are more pleasant with dustcap-oriented placement than the v30s I'm used to. Thoughts?
What was mic placement like? In my limited experience with 75s, it seemed like they are more pleasant with dustcap-oriented placement than the v30s I'm used to. Thoughts?

Yeah I'd say for the most part with 75's I tend to mic closer to the center of the cone than I have done with v30's. Really depends on the sound I'm after though. I posted some photos of a cab with 75's mic up a couple of threads ago if you are more curious.
Yeah I'd say for the most part with 75's I tend to mic closer to the center of the cone than I have done with v30's. Really depends on the sound I'm after though. I posted some photos of a cab with 75's mic up a couple of threads ago if you are more curious.

True that. Thanks for the heads up.
Damn dude, that does sound fantastic, and even with the gain low, it's still plenty saturated for my tastes - great job!
I would lower the vocals to the point to where they could just be heard and then cut them by another 100dB. :lol: Not a dig at your technique at all, I just don't like the vocalist(s) sound/style. It doesn't really fit the music IMHO. Should have been an instrumental. Again, not having a shot at you. :)