My Latest Purchases Thread

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LOLOL! YSE!!!!!11

I received the Onslaught tape and Drudkh+Lucifugum+Nachtfalke+Nokturnal Mortum today. Currently listening to the new Drudkh, doesn't disappoint for sure... Top 10 2004 material.
so I guess the new Drudkh will be my first 2004 release. I should have it by end of the week. Red Stream has it for $13 if anyone cares.
Dreamlord said:
150666 records label sampler with songs from 11 raw, grim, true black metal bands including THunderbolt, Frostmoon Eclipse, Forest, End, Blackdeath, Goetia, Griffar, Nocternity, Barbatos, Khert-Neter, and Gotmoor
Ooooh, cool, I got this last year. I thought it was a bit naff though :ill:
I snagged this at a local store. It's the original from Amarillo Records, not the recent re-issue:


(hopes it's not a red x)
OK, Nachtfalke officially fucking rule. I'm midway into track #4 of "Land of Frost" and my butt has been consistently kicked from track #2 onwards (I didn't really like #1 as much, they're better when they don't do the blastbeat thing)
yes, indeed. Did you catch the similarities between the beginning of track #3 and The Lord of the Rings soundtrack? They sound exactly alike!

Hail Victory Teutonia is better IMO. Haven't heard Doomed to Die, but I just won it today on eBay!
Dreamlord said:
I snagged this at a local store. It's the original from Amarillo Records, not the recent re-issue:


(hopes it's not a red x)
That rules. Hasn't that been out of print for eons?

EDIT: Nevermind, I thought that was released in the late 70s, I guess it was from 95 originally.
NAD said:
That rules. Hasn't that been out of print for eons?

EDIT: Nevermind, I thought that was released in the late 70s, I guess it was from 95 originally.
From what I gather, LaVey recorded the material in the 60's or 70's, but it wasn't released until the 90's on CD. He also recorded "Satanic Mass". Both were originally released on Amarillo Records, but were recently re-issued on another label.

I could be wrong though. Info is sketchy.
Dreamlord: does your "Land of Frost" too contain 5 unlisted demo tracks after the regular 8 tracks? I got very confused when suddenly the music & production turned demo-level.
markgugs said:
Hey, I own a Forest album! And I've actually listened to it. :)

It was cool, but nothing groundbreaking IMO.
That was from your infamous blind purchase haul...

"I mean, just how bad can a band called Forest really be?"

That was wicked. :lol: Does it have a grim looking b&w forest on the front cover too?
Dreamlord said:
yes, indeed. Did you catch the similarities between the beginning of track #3 and The Lord of the Rings soundtrack? They sound exactly alike!

Yeah, they just ripped that melody off. I wonder if they did that intentionally...

As far as I know the 5 tracks at the end of "Land of Frost" are from the "Sturmzeitalter" Demo - but don't quote me on that, I haven't yet gotten my hands on the album.
well, I find it hard to beleive it wasn't intentional. It sounds good, though. At least Nachtfalke don't use that melody throughout the song, instead only using it for maybe the first 30-45 seconds or so.
Hey Shakermaker, should I like Bergthron's "Verborgen in den Tiefen der Wälder..."? Because I bought it, and I'm not sure if I do. It seems kind of incoherent and haphazardly put together.
Well, it's their first album, and as such it's still a little patchy. Especially the keys are quite an acquired taste, but all in all I think it's a great album. It's not as refined as their later releases but it has a certain spontaneity which is quite charming... I suggest you give it another chance and if you can't get into it, give the other two albums a try. "Uralte Gedanken" is still quite similar to "Verborgen..." but it seems much more coherent to me, and of course "Jagdheim" is a TOTALLY different story.
JayKeeley said:
That was from your infamous blind purchase haul...

"I mean, just how bad can a band called Forest really be?"

That was wicked. :lol: Does it have a grim looking b&w forest on the front cover too?
:lol: It's fairly grim, though more black and GREEN, you know, in keeping with the forest theme I guess.
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