My Latest Purchases Thread

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Nobody's Fool is tha shizzz...

As far as the girl on the Warrant video, Bobbi Brown, rockstar superslut, Tommy Lee was nailing her for quite some time. Like an idiot, got her name tattooed on his neck and had to get it covered up later...

As far as recent arrivals...

Hung out with Doug Pinnick again today and he turned me on to the Mars Volta. Take Rush, Yes, At the Drive-In and you've got this band, just off the wall shit.

the latest Deftones (gotta say I really love this album..)

MANOWAR Fire & Blood 2 dvd set!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lamb Of God "As The Palaces Burn"

MELECHESH "Sphynx" (the sleeper cd of the summer)
Papa Josh said:
Great cd. Excellent production by Devin Townsend. Steve Austin of Today is The Day, Chris Poland of Megadeth, and Devin himself appear each on one song.

That reminds me of two things:

1 - I really want Return to Metalopolis....

2 - Devin Townsend is doing the cover of "Wrathchild" on the second Tribute to the Beast.
At The Gates "Slaughter of the Soul"

Thanks Markgugs...

(I dropped my old one into the floor ages ago and it broke... Have been kind of reluctant to buy a new one but the price was good this time)
Eucharist - Mirrorworlds (thanks to Erik for this)
MSG - Assault Attack
MSG - Rock Will Never Die
Nokturnal Mortum - To the Gates of Blasphemous Fire
Nokturnal Mortum - Lunar Poetry
Nokturnal Mortum - NeChrist
Possessed - Seven Churches
Bathory - Hammerheart
Mithotyn - King of the Distant Forest
Windir - Likferd
Mork Gryning - Pieces of Primal Expressionism
Edguy - Burning Down the Opera (Stunning, Stunning, Stunning....worth it for the live version of The Pharoah alone)
JayKeeley said:
MSG - Assault Attack
MSG - Rock Will Never Die

Oooooh! Assault Attack has one of the cutest songs ever on it, "she's a great daaaahaaaancerrrr!" :D let me know what you think of these! I'm not familiar with Rock Will Never Die, who's on it?

Nokturnal Mortum - Lunar Poetry

Does this have The Forgotten Ages Of Victories on it?

Bathory - Hammerheart

One Rode To Asa Bay = sublime :cool:
ugh... today was one of those days in which I had no intention of spending money. Well... three record stores later...

store 1
Malevolent Creation - Stillborn (used)
Judas Priest - Painkiller reissue (used)
Cannibal Corpse - Worm Infested
store 2
Aborted - The Purity of Perversion
Enslaved - Monumension
Falkenbach - ...magni blandinn ok megintiri...
Fleshtized - Here Among Thorns
store 3
Monstrosity - Millennium
Final Breath - Flash-Burn Crucifixes ($5 bargain bin)
Jungle Rot - Slaughter the Weak ($5 bargain bin)
The results of my first trade! :D w00t! I'm a man now! ;) :p

Gontyna Kry - Krew Naszych Ojcow
Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas (this is stunning), Grand Declaration of War
phyre said:
(...this is not.)

You know, if I remember this correctly, "life Eternal" on De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas has one of those riffs that make you want to pick up the guitar and play. Just a great, great riff.

Good trade Ayeka.
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