Get the fuck out of here! Are you kidding me? I've got this promo sitting in a pile somewhere....I thought it sounded like friggin' Children of Bodom. I'll give it another go.Krigloch the Furious said:I'd say Iron is a tad better. But when you get a chance get Wintersun. Its the leadsinger/leadguitarist band. Its like Ensiferum x 3. Damn good shit!!!
edit: Winter Madness
Video from the first song off the cd.
Sweeeet.ScottG said:JAG PANZER - Casting The Stones $12.50
FALKENBACH - Ok Nefna Tysvar Ty $13.00
JayKeeley said:Get the fuck out of here! Are you kidding me? I've got this promo sitting in a pile somewhere....I thought it sounded like friggin' Children of Bodom. I'll give it another go.
"Ensiferum x 3" are bold words my friend....we'll see, we'll see.....
Wintersun are okay. Definitely better than Ensiferum. Although, I do not like Ensiferum.JayKeeley said:Get the fuck out of here! Are you kidding me? I've got this promo sitting in a pile somewhere....I thought it sounded like friggin' Children of Bodom. I'll give it another go.
"Ensiferum x 3" are bold words my friend....we'll see, we'll see.....
Let it be clear, I love the Ensiferum debut but other than the fact that this is the ex-lead singer/vocalist, I would not even put these two bands in the same league. There is no "Token of Time" or "Old Man/Little Dreamer"....J. said:i shall check out Wintersun. it better not sound like CoB
Yeah, I dunno, I think that's probably more accurate for the slower songs perhaps where the drums actually sound real. Plus, the press release lists Jari with "vocals, guitars, bass, and all programmings"...and some of these drums sound really programmed/triggered.Krigloch the Furious said:programmed drumming???
"Kai Hahto from the Finish Grindcore/Death Metal band ROTTEN SOUND playes on "Wintersun" and provided the album with a hellish pummelling in all of the right parts."
NicodemiX said:Arrived from Venlus (finally):
Especially Likely Sloth - But If What If He'll What Ant
V:28 - NonAnthropogenic
Agalloch - The Grey
Lamented Souls - The Origins of Misery
Lycantropen DVD
and from NAD:
Sculptured - The Spear of the Lily is Aureoled
fotmbm said:Spaffe: Did you order Kampen from Shamaatae ages ago like me? If so mine might also be on the way
See? Told you.spaffe said:: helheim - nidr ok nordr liggr helvegr (good good good stuff)![]()