My Latest Purchases Thread

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npearce said:
Dreamlord: Contact Tipton at Willowtip about that band ASAP.
I did. The band apparently sent him a copy and he didn't think too highly of it. That really took me by surprise, to be honest. I, on the other hand, am loving it.

Relapse used to sell their demos, but sold out about a year ago, damnit. They would definitely fit on Relapse or code666. In fact, Scald thanks Michele and Emi from code666 and Jonathan Canady from Relapse in the liner notes. And I've seen many posts from Michele praising Scald. I really wish code666 or Relapse would sign 'em. That'd be another winner for the label.
arrived today, and are probably my last arrivals before 2004:

Burst - In Coveting Ways
Lethargy - Discography '93-'99 (features two members of Mastodon)
Obituary - The End Complete
Black Winter Day said:
Bach - Brandenburg Concertos 1-3
Bach - Tocatta, Italian and Double Violin Concertos
Chopin - Romantic Piano Collection (2CDs)
Morbid Angel - Blessed Are the Sick
Mozart - Symphony No. 40, 41 ("Jupiter")
Neurosis - A Sun That Never Sets
Great haul! You a Paigini fan?
I will most likely buy Mithras. Jay pretty much sold me on it, and now your thoughts have really stamped it down. As soon as I get some money I'll get it. Where's the cheapest place to buy it? And with Paypal?
okay... i just listened to that neurosis CD... and it is some of the most boring, overrated shit i have heard in a long while. why in the hell are so many people nutting over these guys? and don't give me any shit like "you just don't like the -core in it". wrong, i couldn't give a shit about the "core" in it, i am more concerned with the "sleep" in it. isis did this stuff right with "oceanic"... this, however, is composed of boring-as-hell, simple-as-hell guitar patterns, some of them consisting of an amazing two notes. no, i don't hate simplistic music if it is EFFECTIVE, i.e. creates a mood, sounds good, etc. these little guitar noodlings and "weavings" (see isis) do nothing except force me to focus my attention on something else... or getting away from this banality by simply going to sleep. the heavy parts are okay, but only decent at best. this album is about an hour too long, seriously. so... very... tired... someone is bound to tell me "it will grow on you with more listens". aha! but it does not INTEREST me! every cd that has grown on me after time i was at least mildly interested in after first listen ("this has potential"), but this... i do not feel compelled to ever listen to ever again. what in the HELL... i'll give it a few more spins, hopefully it will stir the insomniac in me and i will at least be able to stay awake during it. i love experimental music, but i am no somnambulist. maybe this is just not my thing.
Dreamlord said:
I will most likely buy Mithras. Jay pretty much sold me on it, and now your thoughts have really stamped it down. As soon as I get some money I'll get it. Where's the cheapest place to buy it? And with Paypal?
I guess the label, Golden Lake Productions, has it for $8, but I got mine on EBAY using PayPal. You might have to go that route. I still only paid $10.50 including shipping.
Black Winter Day said:
okay... i just listened to that neurosis CD... and it is some of the most boring, overrated shit i have heard in a long while. why in the hell are so many people nutting over these guys? and don't give me any shit like "you just don't like the -core in it". wrong, i couldn't give a shit about the "core" in it, i am more concerned with the "sleep" in it. isis did this stuff right with "oceanic"... this, however, is composed of boring-as-hell, simple-as-hell guitar patterns, some of them consisting of an amazing two notes. no, i don't hate simplistic music if it is EFFECTIVE, i.e. creates a mood, sounds good, etc. these little guitar noodlings and "weavings" (see isis) do nothing except force me to focus my attention on something else... or getting away from this banality by simply going to sleep. the heavy parts are okay, but only decent at best. this album is about an hour too long, seriously. so... very... tired... someone is bound to tell me "it will grow on you with more listens". aha! but it does not INTEREST me! every cd that has grown on me after time i was at least mildly interested in after first listen ("this has potential"), but this... i do not feel compelled to ever listen to ever again. what in the HELL... i'll give it a few more spins, hopefully it will stir the insomniac in me and i will at least be able to stay awake during it. i love experimental music, but i am no somnambulist. maybe this is just not my thing.
No offense, but you're in way over your head. If Isis is all you have to compare these guys to, you're not going to be able to digest them very easily. Neurosis isn't a band that people will get into right away. It also helps if you have a thorough understanding of that style of music. There's a reason Neurosis is one of the few legendary bands to defy classification throughout their existence. Don't insult your own intelligence by continuing your idiotic rant about the band.

Maybe in a few years you'll be interested in that style of music. If not, don't worry about it.
i hope i never get to the point where i am entertained by 10 minute songs consisting of boring little guitar sections and contrasting "heavy" parts with repititious riffing... but that's just me. and how could one not compare them to isis (even if i am new to this "style")? if you don't think they are similar in many ways, you're nutty.

by the way, i love originality and experimentalism in my music... but just because they "defy classification" does not mean that they are necessarily worth listening to.

then again, i could be a total dick and say that i'm never listening to this again. however, i've listened to way too much music to do that... some of my favorite albums of all time did nothing for me at first listen. MAYBE this is one of them. remember, this is my opinion after first listen... it is not etched in stone. but so what if it was?
I'm just trying to tell you that Neurosis is miles away from the style that even Isis plays. Isis uses lots of riffs, but Neurosis is completely about atmosphere. Hopefully you won't give up on them right away. I think you are at the point Dreamlord was several years ago. He was all down with At The Gates and Arcane Sun and he just had no use for Neurosis. Then BOOM! Last year or so he finally developed an interest in Neurosis and that style of music.

Neurosis is a band that is basically worshipped by many, many people. They have influenced more people than possibly any other band in American extreme music (with the exception of Morbid Angel maybe). If you don't like them right now, go back to them some time down the road.

I'm a fairly accomplised guitarist, but it doesn't seem to bother me that Neurosis doesn't through awesome riffs at you right and left. I enjoy them for the atmosphere they create. Same goes for Burzum.
Yeah, I bought Times of Grace way back in 1999 or so when I was into At the Gates, The Haunted and such, and I absolutely thought it was dull as all hell. But just to make sure, I bought some more of their discs, and they did nothing for me. Then I finally went back to Neurosis in late 2002/early 2003 and loved it. It takes numerous listens and perhaps years to understand what these guys are creating.

THe comparison to Isis is not unfounded, but really does a little injustice to both bands. Isis is great, but they don't bother with the ambient sections like Neurosis does. Isis is more about rockin' out with great riffs, while Neurosis create an atmosphere not found often. That being said, early Isis is basically a carbon-copy of Neurosis. Neurosis started this crazy offshoot of hardcore/metalcore commonly called noisecore. They were doing it way back in 1992 before it became wel-known.

And personally, A Sun That Never Sets is my least favorite and is also the bands most subdued album. It is a stripped down album with tons of acoustics and less hardcore-ish type vocals, while Through SIlver in Blood or TImes of Grace, or even Souls at Zero will tear you apart (if you get it).

Then again, maybe you just don't like the "-core" in Neurosis. :grin:
BWD: I had a similar reaction when I first listened to Times of Grace (which is currently the only one I have, so I can't pass comment on the others). I couldn't even get past the second track. I found a few of my posts on it:

Received Neurosis - Times of Grace yesterday.

Turned it off midway through the second song. Hmm...:erk:

Still havn't 'got it'.

Tried Times of Grace again, still did nothing for me.

That was back in April this year. Now I think it's really fucking good. Honestly, without wanting to labour the point or sound like an salesperson, definitely keep at Neurosis. I think they're awesome.
npearce said:
Mithras - Worlds Beyond the Veil
(I'm afraid this has your name written all over it, Dreamlord.)

I have an album by Golden Dawn that has Dreamlord's name written all over it.

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