My Latest Purchases Thread

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Dreamlord said:
arrived today:

Beyond the Sixth Seal - A Homicide Divine
Esoteric - Metamorphogenesis
Unholy - From the Shadows
That's the first Unholy, innit? Let me know how it is. I have all others, and I reckon Unholy got better with each album, kinda-sorta. Of the ones I own, the earliest, "The Second Ring of Power" is my least favourite. So let me know what you think, and bear in mind that if you don't like it, you might still want to check out "Gracefallen" or "Rapture."
Erik said:
That's the first Unholy, innit? Let me know how it is. I have all others, and I reckon Unholy got better with each album, kinda-sorta. Of the ones I own, the earliest, "The Second Ring of Power" is my least favourite. So let me know what you think, and bear in mind that if you don't like it, you might still want to check out "Gracefallen" or "Rapture."
Yeah, it's the debut from Unholy on Lethal Records. Avantgarde recently re-released it I believe. I've already sent money to Tribalchemy for "The Second Ring of Power", and I'll be getting the other two regardless, 'cause I've heard those are the band's best.

From the Shadows is OK. If I hadn't of heard that the band's most recent two albums were their best, I would not be rushing out to get anything else from the band. But keep in mind, this is after one listen. The album itself is above average, but the production is meh, and some of the songs drag.

I know where I can get Gracefallen. Haven't seen Rapture anywhere except eBay.
Erik said:
BOTH the LP and the picdisc? That's ambitious.

yeah well i'm a bit of a pic-disc collector but i never play them though, so i had to get the ordinary version as well since it's as you well know pretty damn difficult to get a hold of any of his releases. anyway who wouldn't like a disc picturing a man in a troll mask hanging on your wall hehe ;)
AC/DC - High Voltage
Black Sabbath - Masters Of Reality
Fallen Skies - Fallen Skies EP
Free - Heartbreaker
Lord of this World is my favorite from that one. I think Master of Reality may be my least favorite of the Sacred Sabbath Six, but that doesn't mean I don't love it.
I gave it a spin the other day and I must say I was most impressed. A definate thumbs up from me :)

Now I just need to get Seventh Star and I can consider laying the Sabbath ghost to rest...

It's hard to pick a favorite really, but it's usually Sabbath Bloody Sabbath.
It's been a while since I actually bought a CD, but I got these for good prices:

Carcass - Necroticism (with bonus tracks)
The Angels of Light - How I Loved You (Michael Gira's most recent project . . . the guy from Swans, if you didn't know)
bloodfiredeath said:
Master of Reality is my favorite Sabbath album, Sabbath Bloody Sabbath second, and Vol. 4 third. All of the 'sacred six' are great, but I actually might sneak Heaven and Hell in at four.
ditto everything he said.
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