My new "backyard" is better than yours.

What's your internet service and speed?

Is that addressed to me? I don't know. Who do you ask? I get free wireless in my rent.

I'm being high and mighty about nature...right. That's a warped way of thinking about it. I don't even live in the "boonies"; I live outside of Denver. I'm responding to profoundly distorted views on the natural world and that's considered being arrogant.

Max: I don't even understand what kind of sense you were trying to project in that last comment. I never wrote anything about being opposed to certain types of technology. There's such thing as balance and mediation between extremes.
End of discussion. :D

Nice guys...

I'm not really into water, that's why I moved from the east coast and to the high desert. But no one, not even Max, can deny the beauty of that lake.