My New Studio


Fearing a Blank Planet
Apr 12, 2005
My new Ibanez custom s540

Main Studio

Back of the studio(for the lazy bum muso's)

The left of the studio

With a few more additional pieces on the way everything is looking up on the studio front. Now All I have to do is get the best sound I can get! Thats the fun part.

Alienware "glowing alien" Case - looks mad at night
P4 3.0
1GB ram
80 and 160 GB hard drives

Audio Interface
-Tascam US122

Tannoy Reveal Monitors

Poineer Amp

-Cusbase SX and LE
-Guitar Rig

In the left hand side of the studio I have a Yamaha 5.1 system there to watch DVD's and play games etc..Good for practicing along to instructional DVD's

Things you cant see

Marshall 4 X 12 bab
Mesa 4 X 12 cab
Mesa 2 X 12 cab

Mesa Tri-Axis Preamp
Marshall 9200 power amp

1988 Ibanez Saber 540
Modulas 5 string Bass
Looks good so far! Reference monitor placement looks a little sketchy to me, though.

I can't really see for sure in the pics, but you might want to get those off the desk (neoprene or mopads at least) and do some low budget sound treatment to the room if you haven't already.
^Thats part of stage 2, there are couple of budget sound treatment packs around but as I rent my place I dont know what I should do...I have been thinking of making some sort of removable sound iso thingys...

Any suggestions there?
I think Matt Smith posted about these a few months ago. You'd be able to take these with you if you had to move.

They seem like a really good deal. Probably not as cheap as making them yourself, but totally worth it to not have to. I'm probably gonna get some in the very near future.

There's lots of stuff out there on acoustic treatment. Probably too much. I find it a bit overwhelming, so if anyone has some good sources to share that would be great!

Oz, your studio looks very well thought out from the acoustical standpoint (among other things). Were there any references you found helpful when designing it?

I was gonna PM you about it, but while we're all here I might as well hijack this thread for a bit. Haha.
Cool setup. I highly suggest you upgrade to an LCD monitor at some point. Since you have passive pickups on your guitar, the CRT monitor is going to interfere with your sound any time you track guitars anywhere near your monitor.

I also suggest putting your computer monitor CENTERED between your reference monitors, that way you will sit in the center of the stereo field whilst mixing.
I sit very close to my crt whilst laying down guitar tracks and get hideous feedback because of it, sounds like frying bacon ran through a distortion pedal. Too lazy to stand though, so i put up with it.
Familia><Publica said:
So a crt doesnt interfere with active pickups ? maybe i'll replace my pickups instead of a monitor then. Cheaper at least.

I'm using an 81, and although it's not anywhere near as much of a horrendous buzz as I was getting out of the stock Fender humbucker, it's definitely noticeable and is a marked improvement when I turn off the CRT. So LCD is still a good idea.
No problem. Hey, you can't go wrong with getting both, if you can spare the cash! I got my 81 on eBay for $55-$60 (not sure how that translates to pounds), if I remember correctly... it came with vol/tone pots, wired, QuikConnect harness, and a battery clip, but no special output jack. I didn't need any of that but the battery clip anyway, though, since I already had a SA/SA/85 in my Strat, and the only thing I wanted to do besides change the pickup was add a battery to run at 18V. The onboard preamp would distort every time I picked hard, even with a fresh battery, and doubling the voltage added all the headroom I needed.

But I digress... LCD good, EMG also good.
Well, i own a 57 black beauty, not very metal... but i love the tone and i guess the burstbuckers add to that midrange chunk that sounds so great. Still, experimenting with a couple of emgs could be good for recording purposes. I really need to do something about getting my rectifier to track better first.
You know, I never even made the pickup/crt monitor connection. My guitar with passives hums in front of the montior. My guitar with EMG's in it is almost silent. I have 2 CRT monitors within 5 feet of where I record and it has never been an issue for me with either guitars, however.