FUN FACT: VCC was used on EVERY channel/track in the mix + the 2BUSS! BETA 2.5 version! LOVE ITTTTTTTTTTTTTTT.

API EMU rulesssssssss on GTR's!!!

Brit 4K for everything else!

Couldn't imagine mixing without it....!
I have to agree with Brett on it sounding sort of hollow in the low-midrange which is making it really fatiguing on my end, but the whole thing sounds fucking huge and the vocal production/mixing is insane, especially on the bit of clean vocals at end and the overall smoothness of the growls - has to be SM7b and maybe a Neve clone?

Really funny seeing the drummer jam on an electric kit along with things - what cymbal library did you end up using?
I have to agree with Brett on it sounding sort of hollow in the low-midrange which is making it really fatiguing on my end, but the whole thing sounds fucking huge and the vocal production/mixing is insane, especially on the bit of clean vocals at end and the overall smoothness of the growls - has to be SM7b and maybe a Neve clone?

Really funny seeing the drummer jam on an electric kit along with things - what cymbal library did you end up using?

Thx so much Jeff! I can't express how great I feel about this record! The vocals were one of my main focus points. They had to be AMAZING.

In the end, no one cares unless the vocal BLOWS YOU AWAY. True Story. =D

So you can imagine how much it means to me that my own thoughts on the production are being validated by my favorite people and more so, my peers!!

AGG vox was SM7B thru an old MCI strip with some added high-end (lucas correct me if I'm wrong)

CLN Vox were an AKG C414 (older model I believe) and most likely thru the same pre/eq strip...

All vox tracks came to me uncompressed and basically raw (from what my ears heard) aside from whatever Lucas did EQ wise...!

<3 all!
You are correct on the vocal chain Charles :D

Although I THINK I also added a tiny bit of low-end also through the MCI strip's EQs :p those are soooooooo good ! My little babies haha
Outstanding work! I can only guess at how long that mix took.... ...really digging the guitar tone, btw.

thanks Glenn! Means a TON coming from you... I'm really proud of the tone and it's definitely the best GTR tone I think I have ever gotten!

single 57 thru Mesa Cab + 1073 style pre (really hitting the carnhill trannies quite hard! JUICY).

Honestly, after the inital mix was done, I've been pumping out each song to about 90% completion in ~6-8 hours =D. That includes recall time AND reamping!

Most time consuming part is the insane amount of automation to make it really over the top (which most of you know, I am a HUGE fan of making records sound completely over the top!).

<3 <3 <3

@Jeff: I believe Lucas used Superior 2.0 for the brass. I just rolled with what he sent me! But they sounded amazing so I went with it! =D
Glad i'm not the only one who noticed this......

I think all your mixes have a hole in the low midrange section. Do you really scoop those guitars hard with post eq?

Also your mixes can be a bit on the fatiguing side when you listen for any period of time. Seems like the 2.5k is really pumped up. Maybe it's the scooped sound that makes those high mids just cut so hard. Maybe i'm just crazy. :hypno:

This mix is still sick as fuck and the production you did is amazing.
Glad i'm not the only one who noticed this......

I think all your mixes have a hole in the low midrange section. Do you really scoop those guitars hard with post eq?

Also your mixes can be a bit on the fatiguing side when you listen for any period of time. Seems like the 2.5k is really pumped up. Maybe it's the scooped sound that makes those high mids just cut so hard. Maybe i'm just crazy. :hypno:

This mix is still sick as fuck and the production you did is amazing.

Well, to make everything clear, audible but yet HEAVY as FUCK is never an easy task.... Compromises must be made, IMO.

But I've always had this problem. I'm not sure if my ears just REALLY dig those certain frequencies being cut or boosted or what.

I'll have to measure my room ASAP. I'm really afraid to because of what I might find but it NEEDS to be done....

Any tips on how to do this? Is IK's ARC software any good?
You could start by playing a slow sweep sine wave and listen from your mixing position. If you have dips or peaks in your room (bad enough so they are causing problems in your mixes) you should hear them pretty clearly that way.
Fucking great job on this dude. Can't wait to hear the full length!

Makes me want to just scrap pod farm and pay for re amps.

Any info on the drums?

^^^Thanks Brett! I'd really like to sort this. Any WAV files available of a certain sweep I should use that you may know of or have handy?

@SET: THANKS DUDE! Hit me up for reamps anytime and I'm sure I can schedule you in!

Drums are CRAZY strange. My own custom kick sample... SNR is a mix of 2 slate snares and a D4 samples I believe...

Most of the sound of the SNR is from the way my 2BUSS comp hits it. It makes it super splatty and VERY SSL. (Using Duende SSL Buss Comp, go figure, right?)

2 different verbs. One real roomy one (slate) and another verb that I just LOVE. Very TC M300 like... it's a very tight verb but it just sits SO well in the track, that's why I LOVE IT. It's there, but not like, WOW VERB!
Great music, I know you weren't asking for mix tips, but as mentioned, there's a big low mid gap, and the drums sound overcompressed to me, the snare pops, but there's not enough of it let through the comp IMO.