My Opeth design

I am so impressed! Beautiful. I don't think that the fonts are out of place at all, actually. I kind of like the clean look, the coldness. Watch out, Travis!!!:kickass:
Freakin' Awesome

Dude, you should really send mike a pm on myspace about this, I think he'd be at least very very impressed, + this artwork would definitely pass as real cd\vinyl artwork.

Try contacting him

I tried contacting the band numerous times but no response, but they are probably really busy.
It's really cool. But I can't help noticing my erk face. How did you have the time/money/equipment to do this? These look professionally done. If you really did this by yourself at home you should definitely show them to the band. They are amazing. Bravo!

Thank you for all the great feedback. I am a graphic design student so I have a good printer at home and I comped the items myself, a lot of cutting and glueing for hours.
as a college graphic design student i am very inspired by your work. it's so beautiful, such a great job!

and yes, perhaps travis might wanna look out for this guy.:rock:
Did you have a hand model for those pix, btw? I dated a girl whose family had friends who were hand models...weird job...
Wow dude, that stuff is fucking awesome! :rock: I do some artwork myself but I've never gotten into anything that deep, that is some pro shit my friend. I think the modern look is pretty cool and how you added your own style to the "Opeth feel". That logo is bitchin too. I'd buy 10 of each!
wow wow wow...!!!! as some ppl suggested here.....send it to Mikey....hehck Id love to see somethign liek this....di buy a heartbeat...its so beautifully done....i love it.....exactly...has a contemporary feel to it ...but teh overall design ties it with the opeth-esque theme...!!!!.....relaly aweosme work...Keep rockin.....PEAC EOUT
I'm also a design student and I'm very inspired by your work Outerone. Good Job, top quality stuff!
Thank you for all the great feedback. I am a graphic design student so I have a good printer at home and I comped the items myself, a lot of cutting and glueing for hours.

Wow, man, definitely impressing!

I tried contacting the band numerous times but no response, but they are probably really busy.

0:, mike answered a pm I sent him on myspace personally, but that was at a time he was on his pc. (he responded to threads here at the time to)

Keep on trying, and try changing the thread title to something that catches the eye more. ("my opeth design" is a title that makes you think that it's a thread of some MS PAINT pictured of akerfeldt with a pink jumpsuit)
^ I got a hold of the bands manager and sent him an email many times and he told me he forwarded my email to Mikael, still no response after 3 months of trying. I kept the project secret untill I got a respose from the band but after 3 months I just gave up. Oh well, I still had fun making the project.
If anyone here is in contact with anyone from the band I would love it if you forwarded the links and description to them....