My Opeth design

You should be hired to be their main designer. We should all talk about you on Opeth's MySpace or whatever, they will sure hear you.

That would be greatly greatly appreciated.

Thank you again so much for all the great feedback. I did this project because I love the band and I wanted to show that with my craft. And the fact that other fans out there feel good about the project gives me great satisfaction.

The dvd, lemantation. Is it like "the best of live opeth" or something similar?

Cause I don't know how good (marketing-wise) it'd be to call it like that.

That is pretty awesome, although I must say I don't think the design entirely fits Opeth (the fonts, layout, etc. are quite 'modern'). I really dig it nonetheless, and that O is definitely 'Opeth', reminds me a bit of the BWP cover too. Good job man! The poster and cd's are especially awesome.

I agree. I think the work is pretty damn fantastic but doesn't really "fit."
it really is amazingly well done, but the font and style of the book reminds me very much of Placebo actually, especially since they released their latest album Meds. (no I'm not a big Placebo fan :p my girlfriend is though).
I think before you try to sell this to anyone, let someone of the band review it..
You can't go and sell Opeth Merch if its not legal.. I think :erk:

Yeah your right, It wouldnt be very mass produced thought, I think I could only print 5 or so copies from home anyways...
I think artwork is fantastic. I think it really captures the more forest feeling of Opeth. There are some features that are not entirely Opeth, but you took elements of previous Opeth style art and added your own flair to it. All that is missing is their logo. I think if Mike saw this, he would be VERY flattered. I know I would be...
Great work, loved it.

The book is very 'now' - something you would see on books about graphic design, it still is great though.

Really good work, I'm studying graphic design myself, - and hope to reach your level, and more :) :P

Love your techniques.

Your work on your website, did you do all the illustrations yourself? Like the ones on Sohodolls design, are all the illustrations your own? If so, how did you do them if you don't mind me asking?

Great work, love it!