My parents are being assholes?

:zzz: Straw man.


Still haven't come close to proving it's a monopoly. Give some evidence or shut your mouth.

I have no idea what you consider evidence, since basic logic isn't helping, so here are some links:

WaPo: Monopolist vs Cartel

Slate: DoJ vs publishers

Torrentfreak:Student vs textbook publisher (cartel)

"There's never been a defendant sued for antitrust who didn't think their market was special," said Chris Sagers of Cleveland State University, adding that "agency pricing" (a commission-style pricing system used by the publishers to check Amazon) is just another word for price-fixing.
And according to Ariel Katz, a law professor at the University of Toronto, publishers have been engaging in cartel-like behavior for more than a century.

Ah, now the slippery slope. If we're not gonna allow people to work in 110 degree weather, then obviously we can't have them work around buggies!

It isn't a slippery slope, I am asking 'What is the difference?' Various bugs carry disease, and there are various deadly poisonous spiders/snakes that could be under there - plus it is still pretty hot under a house in the South in the summer. I guess no construction or maintenance or whatever should be done during the summer, and for most of the year in the South? Unpleasant is unpleasant, unsafe is unsafe.

I mean, you live in LA, what kind of conditions do you think Port and Road workers work in during a good chunk of the year (just as a couple of examples)?

What are you talking about? It was tied to plenty, namely employees suffering physical injuries and licensed doctors suggesting it was an unsafe work environment. But why let facts get in the way of a pre-established opinion?

You know what else can cause injuries, even doing relatively benign shit? Being out of shape and eating like shit. Now: For unacclimated people (probably most of them, given the geography and normal weather), as well as the probable general fitness level, the working situation was unsafe at the time. This was, again, not Amazon's problem. I work for Lowe's. When being hired everyone has to state they can lift 50lbs unassisted. Guess how many people get hired and then basically beg out of that? And 50lbs is nothing. When people hurt themselves doing stupid stuff like falling off of ladders, or lifting things improperly, Lowe's pays for them to go to the doc. Amazon paid for docs for these people and eventually, apparently, installed ACs that will probably go unused 90% of the time. Such a terrible company.

Sorry but this is just fucking stupid. Do they close the warehouse in July and August? If it didn't happen in May it would have happened in the summer. The employers should at the very least have the building prepared for 90 degree weather. Use your brain and try and be at least slightly objective before jumping to blindly defend Amazon. Otherwise just stop throwing out these atrocious arguments.

Someone did no research. No they don't close in July and August:

Allentown, PA

Look at Avg Temp and Sunshine.

Again, people like to lose their fucking minds about one off events.
When will GMD ever learn to avoid arguments with Dak? There is no victory, only pages upon pages of stubborn quarreling.