My private life on TV


Pro Evolution Fucker
Apr 18, 2006
Basque Country
As some of you may know, I have a funny parody metal band in Spain, I started alone as a side project 5 years ago, but now is a band that has become a little phenomenon on internet and my career as musician is now in a sweet moment.I even make some money and we are generously paid for gig!. I'm quite busy with interviews, gigs offerings and many other things like for example, tthis evening I'll be in a symposion/discussion to talk about todays' rock music situation with other known artists, next mont I'll be judge in one of the biggest computer geek encounter to judge for electronic artists o_O

But things have gone a bit further and 2 TV programs from different spanish TV Channels (La Sexta & Cuatro), really BIG channels. They want to invade my privacy and record some programs about my daily life and how do we manage to work in our regular job and play at the same time in different cities. One of them is about 'people who suceed on internet'. They will be with me 24 hours/day. And even the presenter (female) has to sleep in my house!:zombie:

Many people would kill for this chances, but I don't like fame and that kind of shit, so I'm going to refuse them both. I don't do this as my living, my regular job is boring but safer than music business, I'm 35 and have a family to feed!

Would you guys sell your privacy just because the band's interest? Am I missing an unique opportunity?
Ganaras reconocimiento y seguramente muchos más fans.
Piensa en ello como "publicidad casi gratuita".
I would probably do it for a while and I'm actually a very private person

the way I see it, it can only generate more interest in your projects, even if that just means increased sales for a little while or a couple extra big gigs. Easy to feed a family with extra $$$

of course there's no guarantee of extra $$$ from doing this but there's no guarantee from anything
I would probably do it for a while and I'm actually a very private person

the way I see it, it can only generate more interest in your projects, even if that just means increased sales for a little while or a couple extra big gigs. Easy to feed a family with extra $$$

of course there's no guarantee of extra $$$ from doing this but there's no guarantee from anything

+1 on everything
Sounds like a great oppurtunity for you to promote your music. Depends how long the tv people want to stay with you. If it is only a couple of weeks I would do it.

Also depends on how your wife feels about it, since it is her privacy that will be invaded too.
You could easily justify reasons for doing it/not doing it.
Opportunities like these rarely present themselves in life and if it seems beneficial to your music career then you should try to make the most of it. But it sounds like you'd hate the experience from what youve said.
Thanks for your points of view.

I will try to convince them to change a bit the idea of the program and suggest them to come with us to a show, since the day before when we load the van, the trip to the city, how we do soundcheck, the show, fans, gropies, tits-fest on backstage (I wish), hotel...sleeping... and hungoverous trip back to home.

But I'll say NO to come into my house or job, record my wife and my son... fucking NO.

This is NOT paid at all.
Being on camera for a long time can be exhausting. PBS came to my house a couple years ago and filmed me going about my daily business, and interviewed me for 4 hours straight one day for a documentary. I was very tired by the time they left.
I would have recommended you not to sell out, but if you don't get paid, it's not really selling out is it? :lol: Anyway, even if it would help with the publicity and all, I wouldn't agree if there was no money involved. Showing your private life to everyone shouldn't be free. In fact, you should get paid a hefty fucking sum.

I think people who agree to get filmed in reality shows are a bunch of fucking twats. To my understanding, it's pretty much a general concensus, at least around here, not sure about the rest of the world. The US comes up with the dumbest reality shit and they invent all the shittiest reality formats, so around there they'll likely know what I'm talking about.

What I'm trying to say is, you'd need to make sure your reputation wouldn't get sort of black-labeled because you're in a reality show. I don't know what kind of program it would turn out to be, but I just gave some thoughts about reality stuff in general, hope you'll reach a mutual understanding with the channels.

Nice to hear you're doing so well in your country as, keep it up.
Knowing what kind of TV is going on here I'd say that you shouldn't be worried about becoming the next tabloid sensation.

I mean, a friend of mine's band at the time got featured on one of those programs about their lives as musicians, workers, husbands...and nobody even remembers the existance of that program now. ( it was in La Sexta too)

So, before venturing into what they'll record or not, I'd have a meeting with them, talk about it, money if there's any, etc.

I understand the reasons behind you not wanting to do it ( I think the same about this country's putrid tv) but give them a chance of explaining what are they interested in, and put your "I won't do that" on the table.

P.S. Fresh basque humour that's not always vaya semanita on tv is a good thing to me, you know ;)