My problem with Metalacolypse


Guilty of being SEXY
May 2, 2007
Hampton, Virginia
Does anyone think that its a little unfair that Dethklok, a fairly mediocre "band" will sell more albums this month than any combined Suffocation, Morbid Angel, Carcass, Obituary, or Deicide albums, or other bands who have worked for years to churn out quality Death Metal? Just because they were on some little 15 minute cartoon? Does anyone else think its unfair that little 14-year-old trendwhore faggots blow their loads over songs like Thunder Horse when they would probably turn their noses up if lets say, Immolation, did the exact same song? I just don't see how anyone self respecting metalhead could support that show or that "band". Can you convince me otherwise?
Does this surprise you? I'm not really into classic death metal, but there are alot of great bands that i would probably love if i just heard it. I didn't even have to look anywhere to find out and hear about dethlok, people just sent the links to their shows when they started comming out. Publicity sells, not talent.
Does anyone think that its a little unfair that Dethklok, a fairly mediocre "band" will sell more albums this month than any combined Suffocation, Morbid Angel, Carcass, Obituary, or Deicide albums, or other bands who have worked for years to churn out quality Death Metal? Just because they were on some little 15 minute cartoon? Does anyone else think its unfair that little 14-year-old trendwhore faggots blow their loads over songs like Thunder Horse when they would probably turn their noses up if lets say, Immolation, did the exact same song? I just don't see how anyone self respecting metalhead could support that show or that "band". Can you convince me otherwise?

I agree fully and that is why I never watched the show OR listened to them. While everyone was going nuts I didn't even bother. I mean I have watched the show now however, and I like it, and I like the band too. But I find that show retarded and only good on a purely entertainment basis. That show is not metal at all, it's a parody. Their messages are so UNMETAL it's a borderline insult. Spoiled Norwegians emos in a metal band that has grossed them billions of dollars, pffffft.
Well I always had a good laugh with metalocalypse, but you make a perfectly good point. As much as I may enjoy that show, I can't deny the fact that it IS unfair to real bands.
I like the Dethalbum. But a lot of the riffs are reminiscent of Slipknot style passages. But i digress, it's a good album IMO. And Steve, why are you taking it deeper than what it is? It's a cartoon.
It's not a real band but the guy does have talent and he did create the music, so at least give him that. The band isn't real per se, but there are real people behind the music.
maybe its just me then...I never heard the music as anything more than generic, run-of-the-mill death metal. Then again, this is the same country that hails that shitbag pile of mediocrisy, Nile, as "t3h saviors of death metal"...but thats a thread all to itself.
You see Steve, Dethklok have an advantage over other rather, artists is the deep pockets and marketing prowess of a tv entertainment company that lingers outside the usual metal advertisement channels. Usually its the enthusiasts that find out First like those who read magazines, forums, watch television, go to performances concentrated on that topic. The rest trickles down via word of mouth of some sort. that involves work, and our lazy society, being able to effortlessly be exposed to a rather creative ad, which creativity is not something i coin to metal commercials or even metal music videos. Also im sure the demographic of adult swim is way larger than that who watch heavy metal shows like headbangers ball. So really, marketing is all it really comes down to. I mean, we cant see them live, or anyhting like that, so they need a return on their investment somehow. I know when i saw the commercial, i said 'i want that', i bought it, and the marketing dept. says 'ive done my job, wheres my paycheck, bitches?'.

Also rider of justice hit it spot on that though they're not a band, they are artists nonetheless and did a pretty good job nonetheless.
It's all in the way it's marketed. If Immolation would've made a cartoon about themselves their album sales would have probably went up a huge amount. Just because some bands/labels don't know how to market their shit doesn't mean you have to hate people who do, regardless of talent or whether or not they deserve it.
the show is funny but the whole idea of an album of the songs is retarded. also the fact that they're going on a fucking tour is even more lame, i mean what the fuck, seeing some dudes who wrote the songs playing them that aren't even the band (since they aren't real) is retarded. of course all the kids i know are going to go because its OMG FREE AND ITS DETHKLOK. lame. they should just stick to the show, not try to make some gigantic marketing and product scheme out of it.