My problem with Metalacolypse

I just think that anyone who enjoy's Dethklok's music should give some real death metal bands a chance (which a lot of Metalacolypse fans I know don't). They should use Metalacolypse to spark an interest in the genre, not create a monopoly on it.
I just think that anyone who enjoy's Dethklok's music should give some real death metal bands a chance. They should use Metalacolypse to spark an interest in the genre, not create a monopoly on it.

:lol: They like it because the lyrics are comical, it's parody. That makes it fun. When the comedy aspect is gone, it's back to OMGEVILSCARYNOISEMUSIC!
I believe people love it because it is a gimmick they are not trying to be serious at all unlike most Old School Death metal bands. and the only real song that Dethklok has produced would be bloodrocuted.
I agree with what you're saying though, like I said I was against the show for a long time, not because I am tr00 or "metal", I just thought it was a ridiculous idea, and insulting too. But now that I take it for what it is, it's enjoyable. Does Dethklok sucks? In my opinion, they kinda do, except for a few solos and shit they are generic as fuck. But for what it is, I think it's brilliant.
I understand the bitter resentment toward commercial bands, but you must realize this shit goes on all the time. Talent has little or nothing to do with a band's success. Accept it for what it is, fucking funny tv! I personally love Metalacolypse, one of my favorites :lol:
Gorillaz isn't actually a real band (well I don't really like that, but I was feeling like saying this) and the dudes are making some money...

And to be honest, when you think of it, Tenacious D is generic too, there's no music revolution in it, but they are funny and they do the job.

In my opinion, Dethklolk is like taking all the best things of Death Metal and combinating it into one band, or album... or what the fuck you want to call them.

The next step will be to do and American Metal Idol and fin people that looks like the caracther and do some gig (Lipsync :O)
Dethklok fucking rock but the songs are too short. Actually, they do sound better than most bands and it's all done by one guy so that should be something special. But they are most certainly not better than the real bands i like. They're better than Immolation though.
The thing about dethklok is that even those stupid kids that think avenged sevenfold and system of a down are cool and heavy watch dethklok. So even the kids that arnt that in to metal like that show and their album, dethklok is still awsome, That blond haired guy reminds me of alexi...his name is squidgarz or something lol
It's a cartoon


Ok no wait, I got it. You can't prefer a cartoon to something else? So if the best movie in the world is in cartoon, it automaticy suck cause it's not with real persons? Oh no wait maybe she doesn't have the same taste as you, so because of that nobody likes her?

Go on, Captain Clever!

Ok no wait, I got it. You can't prefer a cartoon to something else? So if the best movie in the world is in cartoon, it automaticy suck cause it's not with real persons? Oh no wait maybe she doesn't have the same taste as you, so because of that nobody likes her?

Go on, Captain Clever!

You know, when I read a post like this, then I look at your avatar, that pretty much says it all :lol: