My RARE My Dying Bride collection for sale

Apr 24, 2002
Chicago, Illinois
Hello everyone, I have been a personal friend of MDB's for many years, and over time I have accrued quite the collection of rarities. It absolutely pains me to sell these pieces. I have this pesky medical condition in my spine which is degressive, and a newly found treatment is not covered by insurance, and must be paid out of pocket at the time of visit. This is quite costly, so you have the chance to gain from this. I am selling most of my personal collection to help raise the money needed for the on going treatment, and I know what I have to offer, true fans will adore.
I have this pesky medical condition in my spine

Hi Paul,
I'm very sorry to read about your spine condition.
Aren't there other ways to pay for the treatment than to sell your personal My Dying Bride collection.
I hope you won't regret it in time.
Take care, and all the best.
I won't borrow, or ask for help when I have means of doing it myself. It's just "stuff" and if this procedure works, I'll be much happier pain free, then having the collectables. Material things hold much less meaning to me these days. The only piece I'm REALLY sad to see go, is the autographed poster.
Man, those are some SWEET and RARE items!!!
I will be watching some of these for sure, esp the STORIES box.

Paul - if you want to make some real coin, and you have extras, put up the HER TEARS DROP demo!!!!! :)
Well that sucks that you have to sell that, but best of luck with improving your back. And I'm sure you'll have no problem selling any of those, that's some really cool stuff there. I'm especially interested in the Towards the Sinister demo and Turn Loose the Swans promo, I'll definitely be watching those.
If I had the money I'd buy these and give them right back to him, so he could keep them and get the treatment. Being a broke musician SUCKS. Seriously.

Paul wouldn't be selling these if it weren't totally necessary. Those are some very rare items, especially the stuff autographed by the original lineup.
Well, he said that he doesn't want to borrow or ask for help... but if we donated something to help him out, it isn't him asking us to do it... and it isn't us wanting it back, either. I like the idea.