My Dying Bride

A great, pioneering band who continues to put out solid albums in their style. I still do kind of wish that they had continued somewhat on the path of "34.788%...Complete", but I am pleased that they have continued to put out solid, enjoyable albums. Their one weakness is there singer (and that's really a matter of taste), as I think that Aaron's clean vocals are fitting at times, but annoying at others, though either way his clean voice is unique and part of MDB's identity.
i have dreadful hours, angel & dark river, turn loose the swans and trinity and i think they are all excellent. i have to get the rest at some point:grin:
Originally posted by hornblow555

Their one weakness is there singer (and that's really a matter of taste), as I think that Aaron's clean vocals are fitting at times, but annoying at others, though either way his clean voice is unique and part of MDB's identity.

:eek: :eek: :eek:
i adore aaron's vox -both death and clean. :eek:
The new albums don't seem to have the same romantic atmosphere that the earlier ones have.

They've still got romantic lyrics etc, but in 'The Dreadful Hours' for the first time ever it seems like they're just there because that's what's expected, rather than for their own sake. It's getting a bit old.
Originally posted by requiem
The new albums don't seem to have the same romantic atmosphere that the earlier ones have.

They've still got romantic lyrics etc, but in 'The Dreadful Hours' for the first time ever it seems like they're just there because that's what's expected, rather than for their own sake. It's getting a bit old.

I disagree.

I do miss the violin, but for me The Dreadful Hours has loads of romantic atmosphere.
I miss the violin too :cry:

Still like 'Turn Loose The Swans' the most. I've only seen them live
once; 'Like Gods Of The Sun' tour in Oslo. '96, I think.
This band is very good at creating gothic, romantic moods. Love
it. I think Paradise Lost - Gothic is great as well when it comes to
Quite unique clean vox from Aaron.. 'Crying' vox :grin:
I like the Meisterwerk I & II packaging. CD's look powerful.
muhahaha. German power-titles as well.
thanx heaps for those recommendations on what songs to get, i was really surprised i was expectin songs like for my fallen angel but they aint like that at all, i can see them becoming one of my fave bands, wish i hadnt overlooked em in the past.... o well
I need help being converted!!1 I bought Turn Loose The Swans and find it EXTREMELY boring!! Now i can handle slow, brooding stuff... but i am just completely not getting the album... How long does it take to get to like it? What is the best atmosphere to listen to it in? At night with the lights off?
Yes. At night. In the dark. Lying down with your arms out. And stick one leg behind your ear :p
It takes a while, and you probably need to be in the right mood to start with. Give the song 'turn loose the swans' a couple of spins on it's own, see if that helps......
A lot of interesting comments here folks. I've been a fan of MDB since their "Thrash of Naked Limbs" EP, and I have to say that I find all their albums wonderfully consistent. Thank God they didn't lose the plot like Paradise Lost! As for my faves they would have to be "Turn Loose the Swans", "The Angel & the Dark River" & "The Dreadful Hours". Even though I love the band, every time they release a new album it does take a few listens to really appreciate what they are doing, but once you persist it seems to neatly fall into place. That's also one of the things I love about Opeth's works, they're never instant, you have to pay attention to what's going on, but that proves to be much more satisfying. Every time you hear them, you find something in the album that sounds new or different. Well, those are my views, just lie back and enjoy being swept away by the music!!
Originally posted by Bumblefoot
I need help being converted!!1 I bought Turn Loose The Swans and find it EXTREMELY boring!! Now i can handle slow, brooding stuff... but i am just completely not getting the album... How long does it take to get to like it? What is the best atmosphere to listen to it in? At night with the lights off?

Cool! Happened the same thing with me, i was like"boring boring, whats so good about this". Now i know that it doens really makes sense at the first second third... times... keep trying and you'l be rewarded, like i was.
Originally posted by Arkronos
As for my faves they would have to be "Turn Loose the Swans", "The Angel & the Dark River" & "The Dreadful Hours".

I've been into them since 96, just after Like Gods came out.

Doesn't anyone else feel that 'The Dreadful Hours' is a fairly bland metal album? It's heavier than usual, and while it has a few good riffs, the general atmosphere of romance is forced.

I just don't get the heaviness. Even Turn Loose the Swans is no where near as heavy and in-your-face.