My Dying Bride

I actually really discovered them last year when I bought Like Gods Of The Sun from a friend (he'd gotten the digipak and sold his original copy). I knew them of course, I've had "As The Flower Withers" on tape for years, but I always kinda preferred Anathema and Paradise Lost and never really got into MDB, but I really liked LGOTS and then I got The Light At The End Of The World which I really like too, "Edenbeast" is a mighty song.

I got all albums meanwhile (except 34.788%...Complete, the new live album and some EP's) but I stil like TLATEOTW and LGOTS best though the other album are good too.

Anyway, to the starter of this thread, I'd get TLATEOTW first, cause it's most similar to The Dreadful Hours and you're most likely to like it (I actually think it's better than TDH).
:heh: you knew I had to respon to this :grin:
Doesn't anyone else feel that 'The Dreadful Hours' is a fairly bland metal album? It's heavier than usual, and while it has a few good riffs, the general atmosphere of romance is forced.
No, it's only you :p I fail to see how you can miss the atmosphere in TDH (the song), The Raven.., or My Hope.. Maybe it's not necessarily the 'romantic' thing you are looking for, but the atmosphere is there, IMHO (the opening song leaves me floored every time).

I just don't get the heaviness. Even Turn Loose the Swans is no where near as heavy and in-your-face.
Well, you seem to be the one that's sad with their lack of development over the last 2 albums, maybe this is the way they have developed? Why should TLTS be the bench-mark for their heavyness? I think people would be better to stop comparing TLTS with TDH. Yes, they do the death/clean vocal thing, yes they are the same band, no the albums are not the same. And hey, ATFW was alot heavier than they are now, maybe they are going back even further.......
"34.788%...Complete" was definatly underated. The only song that I really felt lacked talent was of course "Heroine Chic", but all in all it was a good album.

As for their best album, I'm inclined to say "Like Gods Of The Sun" but shameful as I am, i still haven't bought "The Angel and The Dark River", which I'm hearing is theri most amazing work.
Originally posted by yourdeadgroom
:heh: you knew I had to respon to this :grin:
No, it's only you :p I fail to see how you can miss the atmosphere in TDH (the song), The Raven.., or My Hope..

I think you're right here :D I can't remember anyone ever having agreed with me on the idea that it's not as good as the rest except for my housemate.

He was the same as me when he first bought it- now we both only occasionally listen to it. I do like tracks 1 and 5 though.

But eveyone else thinks it rocks... what's wrong with me? :cry: :lol:
The thing about the dreadfull hours is that I don't find it has that romantic atmosphere to it, it's not bland either, and having said that I do think it is my favorite. I consider the undertounes of TDH to be nasty rather than romantic, But that's just me. The whole albums has this nasty and fragile vibe to it. This album was my comfort pillow over xmas when the world was a very dark place (shite, I sound like a goth ;) ) to be.

You have to be in the right mood to listen to MDB, once you're in one of those dark moods, then listen to them. They'll make more sense...
I have "Like gods of the sun" and it's pretty good. I only heard very, very little of their older stuff and it was a long time ago, but as far as I recall it wasn't any good. "Like..." has only clean vocals too, so that's great.
The stuff I've heard from "37.8888 complete" was very different from "Like...". As far as I recall it more reminded me of alternative than doom. It wasn't terrible, but more mediocre as far as I recall.
I just had a look at my MDB c.d's and I think my perception of My Dying Bride isn't quite accurate.

My favourites are the three softest albums basically, TLtS, TAatDR, and LGotS. Everything else has a heavy edge to it, which is fundamentally the band, but something I don't really like. So I should probably say, I love some albums, like a few, and am indifferent to the rest.

And I'm definitely not going to say anything about the violin....:p