My Review Of St. Anger........

Deadly Embrace

Feb 27, 2002
Bay Area
Alright, after listening to the album a few times:

It's defineately better than Load & Relaod....(but I hate those albums).......but not much better, nor much heavier, in fact I think it's only half Metallica, no Kirk leads, no Jason, production that does not match the album. That low tuned, fast(seemingly) guitar, just does not work, nor have a groove. James vocals are nothing like his eariler voice, more like Chris Issak meets Buddy fact his voice sounds like he's not even Metal at all.....Overall very disappointing......highlight: I like The DVD better than the album, it has less of Bob Rock's polish on it, it is more live sounding(less production), & this is at least, more bearable, comes across better at most.(IMO)......Why spend so much time & money on an album, thats just alright, and it's Rock not Metal.
The band has become stagnant under Bob Rock...........The one question that this album does not answer:........Will Metallica ever go back & write & play, like they did on their first four albums(thats not asking to much)......?.....Not this time.......I will always keep hope that someday they will ..........
It's funny , you don't see the usual Metalli-supporters jumping to it's defense like before it came out. It's a sad record, the production quality (or lack there of) and mix is shamefull. Not to mention the horrible singing and rapish lyrics.
Yea...Hey Pyrus...where are you now? Maybe we should have VH1 do a show on Metallica supporters...Where are they Now? :tickled: Then we would cut to a scene where a guy sits on his bedroom floor with headphones on, repeatedly listening to St Anger and in between each play he states, "Ok now this time I KNOW it'll grow on me (please God let it grow on me...I can't post until it does)"
MindInsane said:
Yea...Hey Pyrus...where are you now? Maybe we should have VH1 do a show on Metallica supporters...Where are they Now? :tickled: Then we would cut to a scene where a guy sits on his bedroom floor with headphones on, repeatedly listening to St Anger and in between each play he states, "Ok now this time I KNOW it'll grow on me (please God let it grow on me...I can't post until it does)"

HAHA!!! that was so damn funny.... You know, when the album came out, I was putting it in my car going back to work moments after getting it and I said to myself: "PLEASE!!! let it be at least decent" ... Well... How disapointed was I? ;)
heh, it's funny that you say you don't care about what she says and yet you still keep responding to her posts.

just my 2 cents.
Right on, DE. The album does suck. I like how they tried to emulate Slipknot and failed. I actually liked Slipknot's last album. I like a lot of experimental bullshit, but St Anger didn't move me at all.

Nice lyrics, James, ROFL!
Pyrus said:
Hey MindInsane: Don't have the album yet, gonna buy it used (as with pretty much everything). And maybe it's because I have, y'know, OTHER THINGS TO DO. I don't care if you don't like it, I don't care if you don't like me, I don't care what you say...

Fill in the blank.

Well Pyrus, you are the number one resident Metallica Fan(on this board), so it's a fare question, to get your honest opinion. If ya got other things to do, then pardon us!........It has nothing to do with liking you, we respect your Metallica opinions, even when we do not agree. MI & DE, just want your take on your favorite group. & their new number one album. And I sent you that Metallica Documentary, maybe you'll learn about the years when you were a baby, even though you act like one sometimes!..............................:ill:
Thought I'd let our number one resident Opeth fan, that I filed the new Metallica under Opeth. I did hear a cool part to an Opeth tune the other day, then I reached the 17th floor & had to exit the elevator...................
US: I just wanted to get it out in the open. I don't mind conversation, but I just wanted to state that I'm not spending all my time desperately trying to like St. Anger so I can post on this board. I have other things to do, such as watch that documentary. Which brings me to...

DE: Thank you very much for the tape; cool to hear the perspectives of the Bay Area scene. The British chick's voice was a little incongruous, and it sucks that they couldn't use Metallica's music, but I guess that's what makes it "unauthorized"...and hey, Ulysses Siren got play! And now I know what you look like, so I can stop visualizing you as Walter from the Big Lebowski.

As for the St. Anger thing, I don't relish the position of having to be "Metallica defender." I've heard 3 songs and liked 2 of them; other than that, I don't know. And if I give my opinion while the hype is still going, I'm going to be subject to even more cheapshots and arguments I'd really rather not get into. This is the Testament board, not the "Argue with a shitload of Testament fans who want to tell you how much your opinion sucks" board. Maybe I overreacted, but I'm just damn sick of being "The Metallica Kid" when there are a whole shitload of other bands I like, y'know?

Rant over.
Pyrus said:
US: I just wanted to get it out in the open. I don't mind conversation, but I just wanted to state that I'm not spending all my time desperately trying to like St. Anger so I can post on this board. I have other things to do, such as watch that documentary. Which brings me to...

As for the St. Anger thing, I don't relish the position of having to be "Metallica defender." I've heard 3 songs and liked 2 of them; other than that, I don't know. And if I give my opinion while the hype is still going, I'm going to be subject to even more cheapshots and arguments I'd really rather not get into. This is the Testament board, not the "Argue with a shitload of Testament fans who want to tell you how much your opinion sucks" board. Maybe I overreacted, but I'm just damn sick of being "The Metallica Kid" when there are a whole shitload of other bands I like, y'know?

Rant over.

Good God Pyrus! First of all my post to you was a joke...nothing more (as are most of my posts to you). I thought you were intelligent enough to pick up on that. I wouldn't post to you if I didn't like relax. I REALIZE THAT YOU AREN'T SPENDING ALL OF YOUR TIME TRYING TO LIKE ST ANGER.....that was also a joke...and it wasn't even about was about ANY Met fan. I also think you know the TL regulars aren't anything like that (wanting to tell you how bad your opinion sucks) so go my post and take it a little less to heart...and remember...there's other people who get a lot of shit on here (in good fun) over certain bands they like and point...DE's last post about Opeth on this thread...let it roll off...because were not all assholes on this board....just smartasses....big difference:)
Yeah, in retrospect, it's pretty's just frustrating cause every board I'm on has been the same thing, with varying degrees of hostility (I don't even wanna talk about the Overkill board). And I've gotten in several arguments on this board about the validity of this opinion; it's hard to tell who's joking sometimes. So I'll try and be more perceptive, and maybe you could give it a rest occasionally, because it's starting to get old.