My Sixpounder Clip (Tone Opinions)


May 25, 2005
I just started recording in the past 4 months and wanted to see what you thought of this rough mix. I haven't laid down any leads yet but hope to in the next couple of days (I will include the pinch harmonics and correct harmony leads as well). It's the clip that is 4th from the top. There is a rough version of the song I did with my Powerball 4 months ago Near the bottom that I never finished. I sold the Powerball and bought the SE as a replacement. I'm using an Engl SE with EL34's with the Genz Benz G-Flex 2x12. Sennheiser e609 into a M-Audio Mobile PRE USB. I'm currently using n-Track 4.2.1 for software. I used my Schecter Hellraiser for the track. I just purchased a Shure 57 to layer with the Sennheiser. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance!
You sold an Engl Powerball, why?
Schecter make good guitars, good choice.
The rhythm guitar sounds good, i'm interested to see how you do on the leads.
Good work though so far!
good work man! personally i hear that sound of schechter guitars that i dont like, but the crunchiness is very nice. :)
hey man, well done, but I must admit that I'm more into the sound of your powerball (perhaps because I use one, too :D ), so:
could you tell me which powerball settings you used through "starry night" and "nemesis" ? These covers really kick ass!!!!
I dont like the tone. It sounds fuzzy, and lifeless. Not enough balls for me. I like a lot of low end and punch. And you play the riff a bit wrong at palces. Its a pretty crunchy rythm tone, but I don't dig it. Not bad playing. Its a little boring without the solos ;)
Hey man,very good work at all.Even though it feels like a bit ''empty'' without the solos you did a really good work,and if as you say you're going to record also the solos and you do it with the same level than this you can be sure that it'll be pretty good.Good job.
Hey, wow. As far as playing is, that's sweet. As far as sound for Sixpounder....sounded kinda...harsh, I guess is the word for it.f

Though....I liked how Fixation on the Darkness sounded. Fuckin' sweet.
Feel_The_Force said:
You sold an Engl Powerball, why?
Schecter make good guitars, good choice.
The rhythm guitar sounds good, i'm interested to see how you do on the leads.
Good work though so far!

Sold the Powerball for the SE. The SE has the Powerball and much more in it. The SE has so many options in addition to the EL34 power section I was looking for.
Feel_The_Force said:
You sold an Engl Powerball, why?
Schecter make good guitars, good choice.
The rhythm guitar sounds good, i'm interested to see how you do on the leads.
Good work though so far!

Sold the Powerball for the SE. The SE has the Powerball and much more in it. The SE has so many options in addition to the EL34 power section I was looking for. Thanks for listening!
FallingDownInRuins said:
good work man! personally i hear that sound of schechter guitars that i dont like, but the crunchiness is very nice. :)

Thanks! What about Schecter guitars don't you like (build quality, choice of wood)? Just curious.
IfYouWantAPeicePrepareForWhore said:
nicely done...really impressed, the guitar sounds like nice and raunchy though i think, leads will be cool to check out.

Thanks, I will be working on leads later this week.
KillerGon said:
good work... but i thought you were playing the lead guitar, not the rythm... o_O

Thanks! Still working on the leads. I'm actually trying to come up with my own as well. When I'm completed with both I will post them and see what everyone thinks.
Follow the Roope-R said:
Sounds really good. It has that "muffled" feel to it, otherwise it sounds pretty good.

Still working on better recording techniques. Not sure if I'm 100% happy with mic placement.