My Sixpounder Clip (Tone Opinions)

Corny said:
hey man, well done, but I must admit that I'm more into the sound of your powerball (perhaps because I use one, too :D ), so:
could you tell me which powerball settings you used through "starry night" and "nemesis" ? These covers really kick ass!!!!

Channel 3 (o'clock)
Gain: 10:30
Bass: 10:30
Treble: 1:00
Presence: 12:00
Depth Punch: 1:30

I used the same settings for both tracks. The Powerball may be a bit more raw but the SE has more growl and is much more thick. The tone shaping possiblities are fantastic. Extremely versatile amp! So was the Powerball (more so than it gets credit for).
FearTheMullet said:
I dont like the tone. It sounds fuzzy, and lifeless. Not enough balls for me. I like a lot of low end and punch. And you play the riff a bit wrong at palces. Its a pretty crunchy rythm tone, but I don't dig it. Not bad playing. Its a little boring without the solos ;)

I don;t think it sounds fuzzy at all. I had another clip I did where the mic placement added more bass to the track and I hated it. I feel it has punch but I purposely backed off of the bass response. In listening to it again i think i probably should have stripped more off. I wasn't too worried about accuracy to how Lahio plays it. I'm not big on copping things 100%. In the past, when I practice to play note for note i tend to lose some of my own style. Thanks for the feedback and candor.:)
children of COB said:
Hey man,very good work at all.Even though it feels like a bit ''empty'' without the solos you did a really good work,and if as you say you're going to record also the solos and you do it with the same level than this you can be sure that it'll be pretty good.Good job.

thanks for the compliments and i will get something up soon with leads. I'm just really busy at work this week.
Rock Hydra said:
Hey, wow. As far as playing is, that's sweet. As far as sound for Sixpounder....sounded kinda...harsh, I guess is the word for it.f

Though....I liked how Fixation on the Darkness sounded. Fuckin' sweet.

Thanks! I finally found the mic placement that sounds best for my ears and it was when I recorded the current Fixation clip (with the Engl SE). The first open C chord I hit at the beginning you can really hear the amp growl/roar. that EL34 power section shines in that category!:rock: