My small review of Crimson II...

Death Opeth

Jan 18, 2003
After listening to Crimson II about 8 times since I got it on Monday, three times today out of those eight. I have came to a conclusion that this album/song is indeed on of the best albums/songs ever created. For those with doubts, I highly suggest you take a deep look into the music and buy the CD. When I first popped this CD in my CD player on a two hour drive to a football game I was participating in, I was very shocked after the opening little keyboard/piano part to hear such brutality coming from this album for the next 14 or so minutes, untill it slows down for about three-four tracks. Then kicks it back up to high gear. On track 20, I hear the wonderful reminisicence of Crimson I, that just made me feel great to have heard it. Just brings back memories when I first heard Crimson I. This album is not only very powerful, as in brutality wise,but also very soothing with a little bit of Nightingale thrown in which is awesome. I love the growling by both Jonas and Roger. Dan, your growls and clean vocals are just amazing as always. The guitar work at some points makes me think of some Carcass stuff with the nice thick guitaring that is amazing. Track 27 also has some nice memories to Crimson I with the sound. As I stated before, listening to this album is a highway of emotions. From driving on a warm sunny day where the roads are smooth and relaxing to drive on. To the depths of cold hell, where the music is just insane,and you are swerving all over the place to try and keep control of yourself. Ending, with tracks 38-44 are my favorte. The little solo in the beginning of track 40 is just simply amazing, followed by some great clean vocals by Dan. Track 42, also the best track/excerpt from the album/song, brings the memories of Crimson I back with the almost fading out type of sound,and then the kick in the face, bring it back type style that we all fell in love with. All in all, this album is my favorite album ever, behind Crimson I. Hell, even with a few more listens, it could surpass that. Final Rating- 10/10
That was a good review, Chucky. I still need to get mine scanned, along with the interview! I think my Tusday, I'll have it on my webbie. Good read...
Nice review! :)

I wrote one as well which I originally posted on :hotjump:

"I will be sad to see this band go, but what a way to go out! This is how a sequel to a song should sound. Talk about epic songwriting, one 44 track - 43:00 song(note: The ripped version of the song was 38:27, while the original is 43:00. Buy the original you cheap fucks;), that has death vocals, clean vocals, 9 guitar solos, recurrent riffs from the first Crimson that bring back memories and visions of the story, tons of keyboards, solid drumming, and lyrics that continue Swanö's epic tale from the first Crimson(note: the lyrics of Crimson II were written by Clive Nolan). Different segments of the song shift in and out of passages with striking conviction, and show the true gift of Swanö's songwriting prowess. The 44 minute song seems to pass in mere minutes, because of it's engrossing capability. All in all, this is a metal landmark. This, along with the first Crimson, should be a mandatory pick-up for metal fans. The only metal fans that I could see being turned-off by this release are people with short attention spans, or people that despise keyboards. Incredible, amazing, etc.. I will just be sorry that I probably won't see a Crimson III, but as I said earlier, if this is the way Edge of Sanity goes out, then I couldn't think of a more perfect swansong to do so. 100/100"

You rule Dan :kickass:
I just got my copy of Crimson 2 today and I listened to it quietly and it sounded pretty good, but I'll need to wait until tomorrow to blast it to really review it.

see, everyone is sleeping right now :-)
Happy!!!! That's how I describe myself this morning.

I just got 4 out of 5 in the local paper (130.000 cps)

by Anders Jakobson (I have had projects with him and stuff) did the review. That we know each other it's often more of a negative thing than an "easy way out" since too much praising from a friend will often result in speculation. But I really think I did a great album and that it is a worthy ending to the EOS saga. Love you all.

I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, also when I hear some Death, Nocturnus (GODS on Thresholds), Cynic, Godgory on it.

This Album is nearly perfect... Dan you are the God of (Dis)Harmonies!!! I hope you'll continue with your music til' you leave the earth.

Greets' and I bow my head

...hell is where the heart is...