My spoof of the Opeth Video...


boo hoo
Oct 13, 2001
a song by the band "Opef" entitled....THE TOILET SNAKE :rock:

...ok...its really by me...but download it anyways.

The lyrics are as follows...

There's some chick in a hospital bed
She has just died
Now she is dead....


Now she dressed all skankily and WRITHING
all seductively and sexy and stuff in a dirty bed
then a big masked man looks all bad
he rips up some photographs because he's that mad
then he throws them on the fire
because he really rally pissed
so much rage inside of him
that he can't even speak

then an old man becomes tied in the kitchen
and the scary masked man comes to yell at him

and screams all this really mad stuff
and he starts to throw stuff like refrigerators

my pills in the bathroom



and now that stupid bitch has been eatne by toilet snake

I can take the old man and the gasoline can...

and then I hold up a lighter...
I don't know. the lyrics don't seem too funny. :erk:
its a satire. you know, making fun of something by making it exaggerated. did you see the opeth video? or ever listen to any metal in your life? either that or you...*gulp*...liked the opeth music video...

that and you said the lyrics aren't funny which i assume means you didn't actually read them along with my mock metal vocals, because they suck too.

How long did that take you?
i hit record on the recording software, just starting playing my guitar. then i hit record again and started making up lyrics that were supposed to narrate that shitty, shitty video. you know, the girl dying and then some scary masked man, the toilet snake, gasoline can...i suppose i didn't mention the lame band shots in the lyrics enough though:grin:. anyways, take the length of the song and muliply it by two...and you have the length of time it took me.
If you played the music note for note and imtated Mike's vocal stylings....

but then i wouldn't have gotten to use my crappy generic opeth rip off riffs. and i contemplated using michael's vocal style, because back in the day i could do it pretty well. then i realized i wanted people to actually hear and understand what i was saying.

but i guess you're right, nothing could be as funny as the actual video.
bleedingskeptic said:
its a satire. you know, making fun of something by making it exaggerated. did you see the opeth video? or ever listen to any metal in your life? either that or you...*gulp*...liked the opeth music video...

Yeah, satire, great, that's awesome IT'S NOT FUCKING FUNNY. All you did was talk about what happened in the video. Look, if you want funny go to This is just....terrible.
well, I personally not liked the video too but all my thoughts in your song...
you are soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Drunk...........:err:

but the refrigerators and the toileth snake part are awesome~lol
Yeah, satire, great, that's awesome IT'S NOT FUCKING FUNNY. All you did was talk about what happened in the video.
what was i supposed to do? make fun of the ridiculousness of the nature of the video by singing a love song to a hamster? or maybe...i could post a link that has nothing to do with making fun of opeth's music video...oh already did that. that doesn't even make sense. at least find another thing making fun of opeth or opeth type music to show how unfunny it was. something along these lines
Worst crap ever. Thanks for wasting my time. Fag.
you poor thing. i wasted your precious time. i'm so sorry. i guess i just wasn't thinking of the consequences of my actions. here, we'll exchange emails, get eachothers personal info, and you show me how to be a fag as punishment for my purposely awful song about a shitty music video. up until this point i didn't even know i was gay and am not sure i know what i'm supposed to do to align myself with your deeply observant and profound declaration of what type of person i am.
no offense, but that sucked.
none taken. it was supposed to.
well, I personally not liked the video too but all my thoughts in your song...
you are soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Drunk...........

but the refrigerators and the toileth snake part are awesome~lol
not drunk. it was a mixture of a bad and grueling day at work mixed with to much coffee.