What TGC Vid could have been!


Apr 5, 2003
You all know by now, TGC with band shots once in a while, Zorro yells at an old man and burns him, and some chick lays in bed, dies, then lays in bed again and eventually dives into a toilet or something....

Just for a second... if you've seen the video for March of Mephisto by Kamelot...

I was impressed with the video... It's probably one of my new favorites now. The whole CD is fantastic, but that's not the point. Opeth should take control of their next video if they do one, cause Kamelot seemed to have done that... The singer looked freaking badass in it, and it also had Shagrath from Dimmy Burger dressed up like Mephisto or somethin... sort of reminded me of diablo2.. heh... but anyway it was amazing, the color was fantastic, and Shagrath looked grim. The main singer had weird eyes. Shagrath spit out black blood and my dad was like eww = THAT's the effect of the video. My dad watched TGC but he only said eww cause the chick jumped into the toilet. Two different kinds of ewws if you ask me.

Opeth should do a video where they use actual story elements from the song, with members of the band in the video.. :Smug:
March of Mephisto looked just like that one Spiderman song video with that guy who looks like Jesus singing. Maybe it's the playing on top of a skyscraper thingy or something.

And I dunno, metal videos that involve anything else than just the band playing have the tendency to turn out extremely cheesy.. the only exception I've seen is Burzum's Dunkelheit, but that video is quite, uh, minimalistic. Best metal video I've seen, though.
First of all, I have to say that the best metal video I've seen is 'One'. Sorry if that sounds cliche, but that's the only video I've ever seen where I am affected and chilled throughout.


While I agree that Opeth definitely need to take control of their next video, I have a feeling that TGC would have turned out cheesy anyway if they stuck to the content of the song.

Would be great though to see a video for Baying of the Hounds and have Mikael morph into a doberman like Snoop and then chase the rest of the band, who are all screaming and flailing.
Nitronium Blood said:
Opeth needs Peter to star in every video they make as a body builder. It works for me.

All these favourable refferences you're making towards the masked zorro dude are starting to give off a homoerotic vibe.

The next video should star me, singlehandedly defending the band from the hordes of screaming girls after gigs. That would work for me. No problem really, I can be topless and wearing a spiderman mask if the director digs that sort of thing.
The band could run around Sweden with guns, and shooting everyone and then at the end of the video it would say "Sorry about the irrelevence; our crew is run by llamas."

Or have like a monty python and the holy grail type thing.. yeah. Where they charge the castle with swords, and have chickens shot at them and someone would shoot hoglan off a catapult and he would squish peter.. :O
madu said:
And I dunno, metal videos that involve anything else than just the band playing have the tendency to turn out extremely cheesy.. the only exception I've seen is Burzum's Dunkelheit, but that video is quite, uh, minimalistic. Best metal video I've seen, though.
Check out the video to Hypocrisy's "The Abyss".