What has been your most important musical moment in your life to date?

1. I went to my guitar theory lesson, and my teacher was listening to a Megadeth album, playing along to Tornado Of Souls. I really liked it, and then I started listening to all the metal I could acquire... :rock:

2. When I heard Opeth. :worship:
Unfortunatly probably my brothers friend getting us into Marilyn Manson when I was a kid... I hate Marilyn Manson with a passion, but I pretty much owe everything to Mr.Warner for getting me into everything I know and love now. I guess it will be the same for the Slipknot generation who get into good music through them.

But I cant fault the guy who got me into Manson, because for that one bad band he has introduced me to, he also gave me Mr.Bungle, Isis, The Locust, Sunn O))), 5ive and even Opeth!
Must have been when I figured out that playing music is more than reading it of the paper, if you get what I mean. I must have been about thirteen, the same time I started getting into other kinds of music than just mainstream Pop.
Discovering that there was much more in the world of music besides the crap on the radio.