My tapping Solo!!!

Felix Neumann

Sep 14, 2008
Hey bros :)

I want to show you my lead solo. I would like to know, if you dig this stuff. I worked with the east west silver edition for the orchestral elements and I used the Ibanez s-series 6 string for the leads through a v-amp pro.

Here we go:

Lead solo Felix

I would appreciate it, if you´d find time to listen and comment it. Cheers, dudes :kickass:
very epic dude! :)

the intro is a bit too long in my opinion and get's annoying after a while but when the rythmguitars and drums start it's pure epicness! :-D
Thank you very, very much, bros! I´m really glad you like it. This solo is actually an intro for a song called "the queen in the crystal cloak"...(kind of midtempo steamroller) :) This version is pretty old..from 2006, I consider to play and record it again. I would do it a lot better nowadays, recording & playing wise. Maybe some of you well experienced producers can help me for this decision by giving me some tipps to record it better.
Felix, I really like it. I personally don't find it too long. I like dramatic things that build up. I haven't heard much tapping like that lately. Good to hear some good playing! :)
Fuck yeah man, LOVE the tone, and when the synths come in (choir and grand piano?) it's SOOOOOO freakin' full (and then the guitars HOT DAMMMMMMMMNN). I do agree that it goes on too long though, but otherwise awesome, and holy BALLS is it fucking epic when the harmonies come in! I'm hearing some clipping though, I assume this was just a quick master. Jesus that kicked ass...
Actually, listening again, I don't think it needs shortening, fuck it - and when the guitars are doing that super fast pick-tapping after the harmony, it's a little messier than I'd like, though I'm sure it's hard as hell to play clean! Seriously though, badass man :kickass:
Oh yeah, and this is way cooler than anything Slayer could ever do :D

Hahahah Thanks a lot, Marcus :) I´m fucking glad you like this, dude!!!! I´m flattered. I recorded this at a time, where I passionately listened to Symphony X..(what a great band) Maybe you can hear this at some moments in the solo.

choir and grand piano?

Absolutely YES :)

it's a little messier than I'd like

You talk about the final moments? Oh yes, I wanted to bring it to an aggressive, emotional, dirty end (maybe a bit too dirty) I used some kind of tapping with the pick (like Hammet on "ONE", ya know, what I mean) The problem was, for the last tone, I actually did not had a fret. I played with the pick above the neck pick-up :lol: It was crazy, man.