MySpace / Facebook?

canto, its not a popularity contest anyway lol! Besides, Zach would surely win, actually it would be a close one with Kenn around lol!

Lighting up dude, I love you :D (in a non homoerotic canadian way)!

Oh and facebook/myspace, I have both, but only use Facebook...They both have their advantages and disadvantages, just depends on where your priorities are at!
Holy shit dude, you know like 300+ hot chicks. Man, hook some of that right up over here my brotha'.

hahaha sure man... check the group, "the many wives of twig" . hahahahaa. they are the women i'm going to marry. but yeah i have some attractive friends, thank you for noticing.

i have both, and both serve different purposes.. i cant be stuffed linking them tho, if you really love me, youll find me

hm, that sucks... don't even know your real name. i don't think facebook will give me good results if i do a search for "silent realm"