Naberus Drum Tracking (Sexy Sonor video/pic content)


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Hey guys,

Another drum session wrapped on this end. Thought I'd share snippets of it with you much like the last one with In Malice's Wake.

This one is for a band called Naberus which write some pretty awesome melodic death metal.

First, here is the video (if you get bored easily, skip to 1:30):

And here are some pics:




If you have any questions, just shoot! I can't wait to get this CD out there.
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When a kit sounds that good on a hand held cam I can only imagine what it will sound like on the mics! :kickass:

Gonnna be sweeeeeeet!
Damn, drummer sounds pretty damn tight, and the music sounds like it'll be sweet. Can't wait to hear this done up with vocals and all!

*edit* Saw the mic placement of the china in the facebook pictures - is it being on the edge giving you the same issues as on the IMW record, where some of the really hard gets just have an immense swell from where the china swung towards the mic but then a fast decay when it swings away and back into place?
Cheers for taking a look.

No issue to speak of with the China mic at the moment. We did actually take samples of the kit too, but this time around we forewent the cymbals since we were only in there for 2 days, and unfortunately at the time one of the lugs on the 2nd tom was out, so the tuning on those samples isn't perfect either. I'll take a look at how the rest came up though and see if it's worth sharing down the track.

Been pretty lucky this year. I keep working with great bands for some reason.
Yeah the trusty SM57s are a safe bet. I was getting some bleed issues with the newer mics I was trying. M201 on snare is probably not something I'll try again.

Next time around I might go for 421s on all the toms. There are 4 in the studio, so it should cover most kits, and they always seem to pre-eq them in a pleasant way. Especially if they are larger toms.

The desk is an Amek Angela... at present a really glitchy one, to be honest. I have significant click bleed on all my channels, from what seem like crosstalk issues, and half the channels decided not to work for whatever reason on the day too. Lots of work to be done before that becomes a reliable desk it seems. I love analogue desks in theory, but in practice they are just a maintenance nightmare. I preferred the studio's old method of just running outboard straight into the system.
The desk is an Amek Angela... at present a really glitchy one, to be honest. I have significant click bleed on all my channels, from what seem like crosstalk issues, and half the channels decided not to work for whatever reason on the day too. Lots of work to be done before that becomes a reliable desk it seems. I love analogue desks in theory, but in practice they are just a maintenance nightmare. I preferred the studio's old method of just running outboard straight into the system.

Ah thought it looked like an Amek of some flavour or other.
Yup Analogue desks are a lovely idea but ones of that kinda age certainly deserve an overhaul if theyve never had one, but it always ends up costing a lot to maintain them, they should at least have all the capacitors changed (including in the power supply) for high quality/hi temp replacements, otherwise or you start getting channels sounding thin etc and sometime just cleaning the contacts of push on connectors/pin jumpers, channel connectors and switches/buttons with some good anti oxidising contact cleaner like can help a lot and often make a massive difference.
Worth going to the trouble though, they have quite nice preamps.
The funny thing is that it allegedly did have an overhaul. Apparently not thorough enough, though. One of my outstanding woes is being a beta tester in studios. Have done it way too many times without my knowledge, and our sessions have always suffered as a result. It's going to be strange, needing to bus all the tracks back out with the clicks out of phase so they cancel out. Ah well, should be worth it, given how they sound.

Had the greatest compliment by a drummer on this sound the other day. Something along the lines of "the toms lack tone, and seem to just 'thud'". Talk about achieving the goal successfully!