Nachtmystium - Assassins

So I got a physical copy of this the other day (the sticker made reference to a fictional band by the name of "LIAR OF THE MINOTAUR," which was amusing) and earlier today I slipped it into my car's CD player while I was taking some friends to a pizza place. No one commented on it for a while, but after a couple of minutes, the guy riding shotgun frowned and demanded to know "why the hell this Jazz dude is yelling."
The point was that it was misspelled "liar" on the sticker. And it's funny that you in particular would miss that : P
Not a bad album different. Lots of acid rock and psychedelia in there...If you don't have an open mind you'll totally miss what they are trying to do....

In term of Black Metal mixed with Psychadelic Rock, Enslaved - Monumension is certainly the best album ever released in that genre.
So I noticed that the only things that KevenZ ever posts about are how awesome Enslaved is, how overrated Burzum is and how fake Velvet Cacoon is.
He won't tell me his name on the Full Moon Productions forum, which makes me a sad panda. I can find out easily anyway, since his posting style is very easy to spot since he only talks about those bands.
Blackmail said:
So I noticed that the only things that KevenZ ever posts about are how awesome Enslaved is, how overrated Burzum is and how fake Velvet Cacoon is.

The only thing better than Enslaved is the announcement of Megaman 9, fuck Gears of War and all those high tech game, Capcom is god-like.


yeah it's out of topic but i'm too excited.