Name Opinion


May 27, 2006
Hey, I recently found some good musicians for my thrash/death metal band.
The name I came up with was Bloodshred, and my band mates seem to like it. I just wanted a public opinion on the name, to cheesy? Just plain sucks?
Anything would be good - and if it sucks, what would you change it to?

meh its okay. i would go with that. considering that you are a thrash/death group i would go with deicidal rage. "dei" is the root word of deity meaning god. you obviously know what cide means (to kill. thats if you didnt know) hence deicidal means you are killing god. put that with the word rage and you got deicidal rage sounds kinda power metal/thrash/80's revival. Like a Priest cover band or something. Honestly I don't like it too much, namely because of the word shred. If you replaced shred with something else, you might have something.
I wanted Bloodlust, but that's probably every other thrash metal band out there (Unsigned mostly)
BloodShred is too cliche metal band. Pick something that doesn't really give people an idea of your style then there's more chance of them giving your music a listen or checking you out when you play live.

That's my shitty little opinion anyway :)

As to what I would change it to?

God knows lol, I used to hate picking band names...I have a few kicking around in my brain though, but I won't give any away! :)
I wanna name my band "the firing squad". I like it, but the other idiots want to name it "raising hell''.