nanananana SANSAMP! PSA!

The Unavoidable

May 27, 2008
Umeå, Sweden
Fuck yesch. The latest addition to my backline and now my primary amplifier, a SansAmp PSA 1.1!


So yes. It's an interesting machine to say the least. I got it yesterday, along with an active DI box (sits on top of the psa, an Alto DI1 ), the rack, and some cables n shit. First impression is that this is one aggressive bastard. It is definetly capable of some huge distorsion, and some mean fizz to boot.

I'm currently finding my way around it, messing with various set-ups etc. ATM I'm just running it straight into my Inspire interface, using headphones to monitor. It would be sweet to run it through a poweramp and a cab, but that's whole other shopping spree.

Incidently, can anyone recommend a fatass poweramp to match, that isn't mesa and doesn't cost me my house and firstborn?

The presets were a mixed bunch. What suprised me the most was how awesome the cleans were. With the fender presets it actually turned my ESP Eclipse w/ EMG 81 into a strat. Right before my ears. But the distorted ones were a huge pile of fizz. Alot were good, but for a high gain Pain-meets-Nevermore sound I still have a long dialing way to go. Cranking everything all the way up is real fun though, it's the definition of a chainsaw sound!

So now we hand over the floor to others who wish to share their settings, tips, experiences and general advice about the unit. No hate please, as I just got this thing, and I don't want to hear any trashing :lol:

Congratulations, is an awesome unit, i´ll never sell mine!! haha.

my personal setting is
Preamp (10 ´clock) Buzz (at noon) Crunch ( Cranked) Punch (a little less than crunch) Drive (Cranked) The bass and high knobs are tricky, just don´t pass 12 o´clock becuase gets annoying. you can get some cool tones with the premp knobs.

Im using it with a Mosvalve Poweramp, its really cool, but i think you can get a better poweramp, i heard works great with the Peavey Classic 50/50, also wanna try the Tech 21 poweramps, must be cool.
that's really cool looking. maybe a 1 rack space marshall valvestate power amp. not sure how the valvestate power amp works since the valve part of valvestate is a PREAMP tube, but who knows.
that's really cool looking. maybe a 1 rack space marshall valvestate power amp. not sure how the valvestate power amp works since the valve part of valvestate is a PREAMP tube, but who knows.

not good/\ try to find a solid state with a precence knob ,much better
The Unavoidable: are you using DI before Sansamp? Is it necessary?

Try impulses :) I like GuitarHacks´s Fredman - EDGE -1 I Inch ala Sneap pic.wav
Thanks for the congrats, it's a rockin unit. Using the Metallica preset I've started to dial in a pretty good rythm tone. Kinda thrashy, but very "full". I can definently see where peter tägtgren gets his whole pain sound from!

Yeah I've been looking at different poweramps, but most are either really cheap or really expensive. And does it have to be a specific kind of poweramp for a guitar preamp, or could you use any kind?

@ Metaltastic: Looks great! But unfortunatly, I'm dead broke for a couple of months ahead!

@ Sigfried: No, I do not. I just split the signal with the DI, one to the Inspire and the "thru" into the PSA. But I take it out of the chain when I'm just playing. And I will try impulses! Right now I'm just so busy trying to get a feel of the potential of the amp, and see what it can do.
All this mention of Tagtgren using the PSA-1; am I to assume, then, that it's what gives Virus such a uniquely awesome "sawing" tone? Not something I'd ever want, but it rules on that album!
Listen to the Pain cover of Eleanor Rigby, at about 1.23. That's the absolute core of the SansAmp sound.

EDIT: I can definently hear the SansAmp edge in the Virus tone. But a friend of mine who toured with Pain said that Peter blends it with other amps, for example a 5150 on Dancing With The Dead (Pain) so there is probably some blending going on on Virus.
Meh... a friend of mine has had one of these for a few months now. We have both spent countless hours tinkering with it through 3 different power amps and two different cabs, along with 4 different guitars. Can't get a genuinely good sound out of it yet. We both gave up and he's selling his, sticking with his MP-2.

Its funny because we'll be hanging out just chillin at his house and then one of us will get bored or something and that is like the thing to do is try to twiddle the knobs on that thing and try to get a good sound out of it. Other guitar playing friends do it too. It has become a bit of a tradition :lol:

I kid, I kid.

Well, being a huge pain/hypocrisy fan and this thing being pretty cheap it though it would be an interesting tonal alternative. And it definetly is. Although, in a few months I will probably get a 6505, and then that might become my main amp. Not only becuse it's pretty much mandatory in any serious metal recording facility, but them being like half the price of any other amps I want :lol:

But yeah, it's not very expensive and for the sounds it can muster and the unique tone it really like it. I would love to get Mr.Sneap in here to talk about his experience with it.!
At the moment I'm just using the Metallica preset with the Crunch toned down a bit, with GuitarHacks (bless him!) Sneap impulses. As for EQ, I'm running the HP filter rather high, I think about 150 maybe more. A cut in the higher mids, a bump in the highs with a LP filter taking it down alot at 14k I believe. This is all pretty useless though, since it's bound to change alot during the coming weeks since I just got this thing!
Actually, all of that was LIES!

I looked again at my EQ setting on a song I'm working on and it turned out that I only had a lowcut at 150 and a boost at 10k. There is also three guitar tracks in total, L,R and C and C is a different impulse. It sounded all "phasey" when I had the same for all of them.
Grabbed mine today, yay!

Can't say I'm managing to pull a useable tone out of it as yet, best I've had is again starting with the Metallica preset, had some OK sounds quadtracked but then the same thing through a mic'd up 6505 just sounds infinitely better. Can definitely see it having a place in some industrial shit for guitars, but holy fuck on bass it sounds amazing! Plugged a shitty epiphone les paul bass in to it that my housemate has with like 4 month old strings, even made that sound half decent. Can't wait till I get my ESP 5 string on friday to really see how it sounds with a good bass with fresh strings and decent pickups!
