nanners for newbies


franks n steins
Nov 6, 2013
As this is my first PP there is much catching up to do with some PP lore. One of those bits of lore is is nanners, who as I understand it supposedly epitomizes the spirit of PP in person. I've found the nanners FB page, and it seems nanners is no one specific person, but nanners always shows up at some time during the festival with a banana in hand. It seems most people here love this mysterious nanners, but no one wants to be nanners. Have I got it about right?
As this is my first PP there is much catching up to do with some PP lore. One of those bits of lore is is nanners, who as I understand it supposedly epitomizes the spirit of PP in person.

Oh, oh my no. Nanners the Banana Bandit is definitely NOT the spirit of PP. Nanners is that one guy or girl who takes it WAY, WAY too far, doesn't know how to pace him/herself, and somehow ends up stealing some bananas. It happens every year. Someone becomes Nanners. You're encouraged to take a picture of Nanners if you find him/her, and post... but keep in mind, you'll never see Nanner's face (or other identifying information) in a photo. We don't know who Nanners is. He's a banana bandit after all.

That cover photo on the Nanners facebook page? With the Ambulance? Yah, Nanners had to be hauled away that year.

No real harm ever comes from or to Nanners. But yes, don't be nanners. ;)
I came here expecting a list of manners for new comers. I'm not sure whether what is actually here is better or worse.
I found a nanner outside my room in the Artmore last year. Will the Nanners Bandit strike again?
This song is hereby dedicated to all the future ProgPower XV nanners and nanner wannabes.

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