Narration Of A Thoughtful Evening

Yesterday evening i was visiting a friend of mine: We listenend to some musik, had a beer and some joints. He was playing some of his musik, and i have to tell you that our oppinions of musik are totally different. Some emo was played all the time, as i realized that ive got musik with me, too. Porcupine Tree In Absentia and Slayer Seasons In The Abyss. So i asked him and showed him this musik, just to see him confrontated something that is on a totally different level from every angle you want to analyze it. So as he stopped talking (he was telling me from this emoshit all the time), and began to listen to Trains, he really liked it. Then i wanted him to listen to Slayer - Blood Red, because i thought he needs Mr. King to kick his ass. He started to argue why he doesnt like this musik, as i told him like hundret times before that this is fucking METAL, that this is Slayer, "and why dont you start banging immedialety..". This Slayer album is one of my favourites and i couldnt understand why this person has got no ears for this..
I really like this guy, because he is very pleasant in general, but this sucks.
Why is this guy listening to Slipknot Linkin Park Rage Against The Machine Soulfly and so on, disclaiming Slayer and Skandinavian Death Metal...
So we listenend to his musik quite too much time as i started to go home. Listening to Morningrise i really fell in love again with this terrific The Night And The Silent Water riff, and with Black Rose Immortal, what is probably the greatest musik ive ever listenend to. I enshrine this incredible song called To Bid You Farewell, same as all the other songs of this album. I think these are of the most motional songs.
Well i had the question why cant see the depth in this musik. I gave Opeth albums to several friends of mine. Their are all listening to Metal, but in detail they dont listen to the same at all. Noone really liked Opeth. Definitely i met only 2 persons ever who knew Opeth and had a deeper impression of them.
Did you had different experiences?
I hate when people have so much to say about metal and music in general, like a friend of mine, always cracking on bands and this and that like he's a musical expert. the catch is though, he literally only owns about 5 cd's :erk:

i know where you're coming from lol.
I don't understand these people who think they're into Metal (eg these nu-skate punk bands from the US), walking around making the :headbang: symbol in photographs etc, then all the fans are doing it... and they dont even like metal! Mention Opeth, Katatonia, Bathory, Immortal etc etc to them, they wouldnt have a clue.

My brother inlaw buys a lot of CDs... one night he had a business friend over, and I overheard them talking about Metal... his friend was saying how much he likes Metal, and my brother inlaw was agreeing.... yet, the only harder music my brother inlaw has in his collection is Top 40 bands who happen to have 20 members like Linkin Park! I cant believe that stuff like Slipknot is considered Metal. It shouldnt be!

Such a disgrace to the genre of Metal if you ask me... I know, I sound narrow minded, but I've seen Metal change a lot over the last 19 years (I'm 30), but nu_metal is NOT good. It's so ... "constructed", there's nothing talented about it. It's about as creative as Brittany Spears!
i think that people are too fixed on listening to a genre, rather than a song. preferences are understandable, but can be blinding..imo...

is metal to your friend as "emoshit" is to you?
I could explain it to you, since I have experience on this issue. I think it MIGHT have something to do with quantum physics. (Remember, I said "might"... Let's see where my ramblings take me)

Remember when the settlers were going to America and the indiands were there, right? Well the chief indian saw ripples out in the sea, yet he did not see a ship. He didn't see any ships because the indian people living there had never seen such a radical thing as a ship, so naturally their brain couldn't figure out, or decide what this object was and project it into their vision. But anyway, this indian chief saw the ripples and knew something was there, and eventually he was able to see the ships. He told the other indians the ships were there, and they were then able to see them because they believed their chief, and trusted him.

I have a similar theory for music. People who listen to simple stuff like emo.. radio music and such... they won't even know how to comprehend the sound of metal. In fact, I remember watching Uranium like 5 years ago and thinking "Wtf? This is music?" because I couldn't hear the beat, or understand any of the catchy melodies that are actually in the song, now I own that particular CD. It's actually pretty amazing when you think about it. My brain wasn't able to process this information because I had never heard something like this before.

Sorry to say duder, but Porcupine Tree will be much more accessable than Slayer to the common emofag. lol. But don't give up, I guess.
Hey guys I don't think its really so important to care what other people like you know?
*each to their own*

What I think about this whole subject is that it is partly agreeable to hate naive twattish ignorant people, who diss your music, but also I find it generally amusing, because it really doesn't matter as much as you think - although it is frustating when i like some friend's music collection and they dont get on with mine!

Basically.... i enjoy all of the afforementioned music styles and i am into so many different types of music and enjoy them all. why can't people be broader minded and just recognise the reasons for liking metal or the reasons for liking electronic music or blah blah... i think its all good and music isn't, and shouldn't be just styles or images that tend to catch on as trends, eg. with all the popular music styles.

i have seen opeth live (it ruled) and i have seen kylie minogue and i have seen cannibal corpse and i have seen incubus and i have seen funeral for a friend. I have enjoyed all of these and the many other bands i have watched.

surely it is acceptable for me to enjoy equally all these artists? im not ashamed to admit that kylie is a good performer and im not ashamed to say that funeral for a friend are also a great band, amongst their own respective styles....

oh well rant rant, i spose no one is actually going to change and suddenly enjoy everything, and i don't either there are some really fucking shit bands out there - but my main point is that you should at least respect or appreciate that people are alot more genuine than you think and if they are rich then at least they have done well for themselves with something they enjoy - its awesome doing what you enjoy for money!

hey anyway this is my two centrical opinion, and i am a massive geek on bay area thrash metal and finnish melodic death, and i can say that i hate it when people do put these styles down and take for granted the nu-metal styles as the only metal and the best metal - it really does piss me off... but the other side of that is that at least they are entertained well by music that they like!
*ignorance is bliss*
racheal hunter is a "super model" (she is fuckin ugly), from New Zealand. She married and divroced rod stuart, and now is suing him cuz he is getting remarried (he didnt ask her first supposedly), she smacks of groupie blonde bimbo.
I remember like early high school when almost everyone hated metal and extreme music and thought I was crazy for listening to it(unless if I listened to slipknot). Now most people respect those musical preferences because metal is way more popular now. The majority of every younger adult or teen in the US is trendy really...if it's widely accepted as "cool," if "cool" bands like lamb of god, shadow's fall, dimmu borgir are played on MTV2, then bands like Opeth, Dissection, Edge of Sanity etc are more appealing. I don't think too many kids get past the melodic bands though...when I say "swedish metal" referring to dismember, necrophobic or entombed they automatically think I'm talking about Inflames or arch enemy. Sorry guys, but new extreme metal fans just piss me off. You can't be a fan of death metal if you're only listening to the instant gratification melodic stuff. No offense to anyone here.

To relate more to this thread, I'm more than grateful that every person in heavy music around here, who's heard Opeth, really loves them. I know about 9 people are so that are big Opeth fans it's really awesome.