Best Opeth song to show non-metalheads?

would they really let you play a 10 minute song in class? i'm just thinking like if its the way it was at my old highschool, as soon as it got to a growly part (or if it started with one) theyd make you turn it off immediately
41 seconds of pure awsomeness

i would go with something off of still life or blackwater park. showing them that they arent just a death metal band or a prog band. just showing them a song off of damnation may give them a false sense that they are a weak band. so id say go with a song off of still life or blackwater
Go with one of their more accessable songs, please! I wouldn't have gotten into Opeth if I hadn't been seduced by Damnation. When I first heard the death metal stuff, my reaction was "WTF is this!" Of course, we all know the story has a happy ending and that this side of Opeth has become my favorite -- but without the accessibility of Damnation, I can pretty much say for sure I wouldn't be listening at all.

I'd go with Windowpane, Closure, or Harvest.

If you really really have your heart set on playing them a song with growls (which most people will be turned off by), I'd go with either The Drapery Falls (because beginning of the song has no growling, and by the time you hit the middle, it might be too late for people to not like Opeth) or Godhead's Lament. These two songs (plus the rest of Still Life) are how I got into the heavier side of Opeth.
FUBAR is right, Godhead's Lament.
Or Demon of the Fall. Or any song from that album. Then you can explain the concept of the album and maybe, make it a little less scarier (because of the growls and your classmates faces :lol: ) Damn I bored.

It doesn't matter what song would we choose because you're the person who's going to present the 'project', but I would pay to see the faces of your classmates... hell yeah.
Cheers, then tell us about how was it.

\m/ :kickass:

saut said:
Go with one of their more accessable songs, please! I wouldn't have gotten into Opeth if I hadn't been seduced by Damnation. When I first heard the death metal stuff, my reaction was "WTF is this!" Of course, we all know the story has a happy ending and that this side of Opeth has become my favorite -- but without the accessibility of Damnation, I can pretty much say for sure I wouldn't be listening at all.

I'd go with Windowpane, Closure, or Harvest.

If you really really have your heart set on playing them a song with growls (which most people will be turned off by), I'd go with either The Drapery Falls (because beginning of the song has no growling, and by the time you hit the middle, it might be too late for people to not like Opeth) or Godhead's Lament. These two songs (plus the rest of Still Life) are how I got into the heavier side of Opeth.
Hey it's saut of The Catacombs.
Unless you really wanted to play them something with the death vocals, i'd show them Windowpane. This was the first Opeth song I ever heard and it's beautiful guitars and smooth vocals really made me pay attention.

depends on what your goal is. if you want to scare everybody and make them think ur a freak, but take all that in return for getting the chance to convert one outta 100, play a loud song :D

if you want to show them that there is some good music outside their spectrum play harvest or something, it's catchy. if your classmates are not morons try drapery :D
Well, I showed a friend (who listens to Star in LA on the Radio and finds most metal with death vox makes him feel "dirty") Bleak, then Demon of the Fall, then In My Time of Need, etc. He really liked the vox, and thought they "aren't goofy, just interesting". So there's always hope.

So I would say Bleak over the Drapery Falls (as the end of DF goes on for a while and there is more musical progression in Bleak) if you want something from BWP.

Probably a better idea is to go with something from Still Life (The Moor, Godhead's Lament, Moonlapse Vertigo) and Give Them the Lyrics, explain the concept of the album, and what stage this is. If you wanted to go farther, show the different musical styles. Talk about the folk in Godhead's Lament, or, what I love, the very "musical-esque" section of The Moor, the "Melinda is the reason why I've come" section. Straight out of a stage musical in delivery and composition. Don't just hit play. Explain how things are structured, what the story is, etc.

Similarly, if you really, really, really were hell bent on playing Demon of the Fall ;) then again explain the concept of the album and the actions that take place in the song. Explain the use of the demon vox thematically and compositionally, drawing parallels between the very oppressive and sad layers of guitars with the same textured layering of the death vox in the beginning, eventually thinning to a lone death voice, then finally, as the inital anger has run its course, in a more reflective state the clean vocals come in with "Run away, just one second and I was left with nothing" and talk of how that situation would be for someone, that entire loss, the realization of being an apparition, and having lost your love. The line "Her fragrance still pulsating through damp air" says so much, it demonstrates his feelings, his yearning, and reaffirms that she to him is now simply a scent on the air, a phantom, as he is through death to her. And then "that day came to an end". Well have a discussion on what "that day" is/represents. Their love? His hope? Many things could have ended then. Also, if you wanted to draw a parallel, you could (gulp) :ill: show some of the scenes between Bruce Willis and his wife in the Sixth Sense when he sees her at the table on their anniversary, and when she starts to like that other guy. I'm not trying to cheapen Opeth in any way; I think that thinking about Opeth is the first step to liking them, and this will be a good thing in class b/c they will be able to relate to the movie and their own experiences, and then really look into the lyrics, and then the music, etc.

Man, I should get back to work. Stupid Opeth and their plethora of fancy candies.
Id go with To Bid You Farewell. Mellow, has unintrusive distorted guitars and above all its great. I personally dont think that a "proper" metal song could be appreciated properly by non-metallers in that situation, but thats me.
@Autumnal: Thank you very much for your ideas. I think you pointed out that its very important to get depth into the presentation. I agree with most of your ideas, and i think a track from Still Life would be the best decision, thats definately true (but what about Blackwater Park..)!
Thank you for the time you spended, have fun!

I'm telling ya, if your goal isn't to scare and turn people off, play them a song with clean vocals only. Most people have never even heard death vox, and the few that have probably hate it. What's your goal here?

Thanks, no prob. Make sure you get something that balances clean vox (if you pick a song with death vox). And Still Life will work better than anything off of BWP because of the concept. As I tried to point out, point out the story, thematic and dramatic involvement of lyrics, music, transitions, etc. The great thing about Opeth is there are so many different sections you can cover a lot of ground only using one song, which definitely helps when relating the context of the song within the concept. Good luck. Let us know what you pick.
I'd play In the Mist She Was Standing.

Back when I was in HS we had the opportunity to do this as well but we also had to write out the lyrics for the teacher to project onto the board. My choice was The Gates of Delerium by Yes. It's a 21 minute song from Relayer. Half the class fell asleep while the other half looked at me as if I'd forgotten to share the bong.