Originally posted by YaYoGakk
This is where this kinda stuff goes a bit too far. Turning what is a subjective opinion into some objective fact. Calling Opeth gods is one thing, putting down other bands is another. If someone loves a band and expresses that then ive got no problem (well, sometimes its funny, but many people go through a period of fanboyism, especially with the first metal band that they find since they're usually so much better than radio stuff.. but with time most get over it). But when they start putting down other bands and making it sound like a objective thing (when really its largely a subjective opinion) is when it gets rather silly. None of this was present in the first post however, he even said "To me..." which shows he knows its a subjective thing, so no problems here. Theres no need to always state that its just your opinion or whatever, and most people dont, but many people just dont realise how big a part their own likes/dislikes play in their opinion of music.
Yoyak: I DID NOT say that all metal bands were stupid I just said the majority NOT ALL, I don't know maybe you missed that part. Of course theres many metal bands right now that intrigue me quite a bit if not a lot, But to be honest I'm pretty frustrated with the majority of the metal/death metal bands that are currently out in the market, and believe me I have exposed myself to a LARGE number of metal bands and there are not many that impress me all that much, there just nor really executing anything that is all that special and new, nothing fresh its just the same old shit and to me it gets kind of irritating to be honest, but like I mentioned there are ones out there that make me go " wow interesting" but theres not many. The only ones that really draw my attention are the technical bands, fusion metal bands, and bands that have distictiveness but thats about it. I mean in the early 90's the only death metal bands that I really cared for were Atheist, Cynic, Death, Carcass, Carbonized, Pestilence, Demilich, Nocturnus, Mercyless, Sadus, and several other tech-death metal bands which at the time were very unique and interesting and they still are.
Originally posted by YaYoGakk
Most metal sucks?
Like I said most not ALL, there are bands that impress me. please remember this is my opinion.
Originally posted by Dreamlord
Whiner? Why is a person is constantly called a whiner for telling the truth? Hm. Makes me wonder. Oh well, here we go.
Man you are so lost..literally.
The only reason why I defend people that advocate Opeth wether its a little or a lot its because I feel that theres nothing wrong with it for the reasone being that there on the Opeth message board...get it or do you not get it. If you were on another message board talking shit all fucking day about Opeth I personally would not give a fuck and I would not say anything about it..get it.
Its not your so called "truth" that bothers me its the fact that you make it sound like its some bad thing for individuals to like a band to such a degree, when realistically its not, just to yourself.
Dreamlord just face it your a fool if you think all this praise is some negative thing when its done on a bands message board, this is the only place I praise the band I don't do it much but theres times that I do...so what... I don't do it anywhere else, due to the fact that I believe it would be idiotic elsewhere.
I'm also not obsessed with Opeth, I just defend forum members that are attacked un-necessarily for praising Opeth on the bands message board, got that pussyboy or do you not undertand yet do I have to elaborate further because if I do just holler.