Nasheim/Argantyr split?

Dec 27, 2004
14. Last question, can you tell us about your future plans with Angantyr?

Well. Plans are made for a split LP with Swedish Nasheim, and when the inspiration comes to me, a new album will be created. At the moment I spend a lot of time on Holmgang as we are soon to record our second album.

UMMMMMMM, Is this going to happen dudes? Did it already happen?
ok any update?

Nasheim's "Leda" was incredible. Listening now (oh glory glory halleilluliahallah)

The new Angantyr is excellent.


This split release must happen!
Posted by Mike in another thread:

The Angantyr/Nasheim split CD will be released on September 7th. The LP as well as the vinyl version of Alcest's 'Souvenirs...' album were meant to be available at the same time but in the light of the recent 'delays' of the vinyl pressing plant I won't promise anything.

For the interested!

Get it as soon as you can, it's :kickass:
Leda was indeed fantastic! I was going to buy this purely for Nasheim, never even heard Angantyr, but if they're good too all the better!
Wow, thanks. Missed that post. Will buy this immediately. :kickass:

EDIT: haha, ok I guess it's not available for "pre-order". I'm such a yank. :loco:

I e-mailed Torsten at NS a month back to make sure I would get a copy. He will get back to me when it's time to pay's like pre-ordering.
Aha, thanks for that info.

In that case, here are the lyrics:

Sövande mjöd vill jag tömma by Gustaf Fröding

Sövande mjöd vill jag tömma
ensam i sorgskum sal
- mjöd, som ger drömmen och döden -
djupt vill jag somna och drömma,
helt vill jag glömma
synderna, sorgerna, nöden,
allt, mina pinade öden
gav mig, ty allt blev till kval.
Liv, begråt mig.
Kom, Nótt,
sömnens drott,
söv, låt mig
få drömma gott,
vakna först när sekler ha förgått,
först när kraft, som flytt,
väckts på nytt.