NCAA Tourney: Your Final Four?

The ACC has no defense because WE PUT UP AN AVERAGE OF 89 POINTS PER GAME ON THEM!

Seriously, hate to say it, but name one team in this country that plays half-court defense better than Duke (granted, they hack and foul on every play, but Coach K has all the refs in his pocket...).
Oklahoma State plays the best defense I've seen all year. Also watch out for Bobby Knight's Texas Tech team. His player ALWAYS play good defense. I expect TTU to pull an upset or two.
Black Winter Day said:
I disagree with you on all fronts, speed. The NBA has hurt the talent-level of the NCAAs, true, but at least it weeds out the moneymakers from the competitors. The quality? Just look at the two duke-Carolina games from this year, or the OSU-Illinois game... To me, the quality is as good as ever, and will only get better with the approaching tourney.

Also, Cincy has had a pretty successful year -- hell, they're a 7 seed.

You think so?-- well I am just being my usual critical crumudgeon self. But I went to a UC game and a Xavier game (they were in the final 8 last year, but had a off year this year) and let me tell you, the fundamentals from both teams and their opponents were sorely lacking. I dont think it is so much the NBA as people not being taught or working on proper fundamentals. They have the athletic ability, they just done understand how to play D, box out, pick and roll, move without the ball, square up, etc etc, etc, And the NBA is maybe even worse--why else are the SPurs the best team in the league? They have mostly european players, and TIm Duncan, who is a very fundamentally sound BBall player.
yeah, not this year though Lizard. Everyone has known all year how overrated UC is. You have Thad Matta up at OSU now, he is a amazingly good game coach. Now I dont know about his recruiting, but as a game coach he is one of the best Ive seen.
well they were lame ducks this year. Xavier is starting to play his recruits now, cuz he cruised on Prosser's who went to coach Wake from Xavier. And his recruits dont seem to be all that great. So, excellent coach, perhaps not the greatest recruiter. But then again, OSU seems to have some very generous boosters. ;)
The only consolation was that it was against Kentucky.

The highlight I hate MORE is the shot of Jeff Capel hitting that halfcourt shot at Duke. The highlights never point out that WE WON THAT GAME, and that shot only sent the game into overtime. WE WON THAT GAME!!!! WE WON, DAMMIT!!! :mad:

10 mins and the madness begins!
Black Winter Day said:
If I see that Christian Laettener highlight one more time, I'm gonna vomit.

that's one of the few NCAA moments I remember. you're talking about that jump shot from the free throw line at the last second right? when was that, back in the early 90's or something wasn't it?

heh, that shot got him fame and an NBA contract where he has since drifted into obscurity.

