NDAA law


Apr 13, 2010
Can someone explain what this really means? Or isn't this even real?

All i've heard is that allegedly ''Obama has signed a law on new year's eve that authorizes the gouvernment to indefinitely detain and torture terrorism suspects without trial''.

how is this even possible? i know that its purpose is to prevent terrorism, but god knows how many innocent people might suffer from this.
I haven't followed it that closely but after reading story about it this afternoon on yahoo.com I came away with the impression that a lot of people are overreacting.

A few friends were bitching about it on Facebook and I reminded them it would probably be more appropriate to direct their anger and concern at their congressional representatives. For those Americans on here that are concerned I recommend checking out www.votesmart.org to not only see how your Congressman voted on this law, but to also keep tabs on everything else they are doing publicly.
I read the provision in question, to me, it doesn't really matter who anyone is supporting, it is still grossly illegal and unconstitutional to arrest and detain an American citizen without a warrant or trial.

Timothy McVeigh got a trial for God's sake...he was a terrorist, he killed people. There's no difference between his killing of innocents and al Qaeda's, murder is murder no matter who does it.
I know nothing about this but it seems to me from Trevors post.
The trial is there to demonstrate how fair and right the justice system is.

And the lack of trial in the case of an American citizen is so no one knows about it? (Even though you do) Well the media "doesn't know about it".