Near completed track - Combination real/triggered drums, one gat 6505, one POD XT


Apr 11, 2006
This is to go with another thread I have posted in the Equipment section detailing a gear issue I have encountered meaning this may possibly be the final mix I can do for this track.

Drums are Mapex Pro M full maple kit with (embarrassing) a mix of pinstripe, powerstroke and factory heads. Ha..
Kick triggered, snare fully natural, toms blend of triggered and natural.
Both guitars are double tracked, one guitar is running through a 6505, the other a POD XT. Guess which is which!
Bass is only 2 tracks, DI from the head and mic.

Let me know what you think with the mix, Im hoping to have this ready for mastering as soon as I can reopen the session so would love to hear what people think about it now.

The band is called Anabyss, track called Retribution.

UPDATE: Updated tracks at !
Drums are really awesome. I can't really find anything wrong with them. The bass sits really well. Guitars could be louder / more in-your-face though. That would be my only suggestion.

Sounds pretty killer dude!
I really like this mix. The drums are a nice change from the usual Slate/super processed sounds normally posted. Bass is killer too. I agree the guitars could be a little louder.
Guitars could be a tad louder and kick a tad quieter IMO. Cool mix, breathes a lot and not overprocessed.
Cheers guys. I was going with a somewhat natural and not too digital sound with this recording. Im pretty happy with it so far.
I wondered about the guitar levels. Im heading to the studio now to play around with it so will see how bringing the level up goes.

The only other thing I disliked was the way the vocals sat in the mix - going to try change this around a fair bit.

Cheers for the feedback!
Here is the final mix / master uploaded onto myspace.. I dont have the CD here to upload it to soundclick or anything so myspace may have to do for now.. Let me know what you think! Guitars have been turned up a fair bit, some other minor adjustments made.

I finished this around a week ago, and to be honest there would be a few things I would like to change (vocal level and kick level - doesnt translate well on all systems)..

The mixes of Retribution and Origin can be found here: