Need 2-3 metal guys for photoshoot on Saturday, Oct. 4


Apr 8, 2006
Hamburg, Germany
Hey everyone,

just hoping that you can give me a hand with this.

I need 2-3 guys to be standing around in the back of a band photo pretending to be "the band" for a little project I am working on.

The photoshoot is on Saturday, Oct. 4th 2008 in Hamburg, Germany - so obviously this only applies to people in the area.

The 3 of the original "bandmembers" cancelled on me with short notice because they forgot they had to go to a LARP event. Fuckin' nerds ... :D

The singer of the "band" will be in the front and will be the focus of the pictures. This is a picture of her:


The shoot will be from 15-16:00 on Saturday and I can not pay you. I can however trade you band shots for your own group or personal shots for you (no nude shots with your dick in your hand to give to your gf :) !!)

My photography website is here.

If you are in the area or know anyone who looks like he would fit into a modern metal band and who would be up for this, please let me know. Nobody needs to be able to play any instruments!!

Hope you guys can help me out!
a) I've been playing guitar for over 10 years, I love Metal with every bone in my body, I have long black hair and a beard, so I think I qualify looks wise.

b) I'd bang the hell out of her, lol.
Sounds like fun, I'd be up for that. I'll just be hungover and tired because of Kaiserkeller tonight... :saint:

Questions... what is "Blue Steel"? :D
And what is the modern metal look?
I can offer leather jacket (old ripped one or a pretty new one), old leather coat (down to ankles), and black leather pants or jeans... got no army stuff except for my old Bundeswehr boots.

Well, that's me, metal enough?

Beware, I'm only 1,76 m and weighing in at a mere 60 kilos, so if I stand directly behind her you won't see me AT ALL. :lol:

If you're interested I can try to get one or two of my bandmates to come with me, but can't promise anything.