Need a High end interface


I are Joe
Nov 2, 2009
Wales, United Kingdom
well basically it came to crunch time today and i started my assingment
(I've been asked to design a studio with a £30000 budget, not worrying about acoustic/room properties/furniture (desks stands) etc...)
properly and realised that I bough an AD-DA converter instead of an audio interface *facepalm*
anyway I've been looking around and honestly its taking forever, so im calling on you more experienced guys to chime in if you can :saint:
this is what im looking for
High end (2000-4000£)
must have at least 6 outputs to support 5.1 surround sound
atleast 4 XLR ins and Midi I-O
compatible with both protools and cubase and able to work on a PC
this interface is NOT for recording (apart from synths for composition)

I've gone through 2 separate ideas so far , the first was the MOTU HD192 interface until I realised it's not compatible with pro-tools, then i found the perfect one (or so it seemed) the lynx aurora 16, so i decided to have a look at the back of it to see all the connections and lo and behold there was none that were just average XLR's and line outs :lol:
so that went down the shitter and now im stuck at square one again :(

edit: it seems the best option if its possible is to buy something to make the MOTU compatible with pro tools, is there anything I could buy to do this ?